Political office

Recommendation of the Syrian Future Movement to the Turkish Government: Possible Solutions and Exits to the Syrian Refugee Deportation Crisis

In a statement by the Interim Government’s Prime Minister on 14-3-2023, he said: “Northern Syria is capable of absorbing more Syrians due to stability!” This statement does not reflect the reality responsibly, and we may find that this statement, along with related statements, is a clear and obvious deception of the public opinion in general, and the Turkish government in particular, about the current conditions in northern Syria!

Although international laws prohibit the deportation of any refugee to unsafe areas other than the ones they were displaced from, the Turkish government’s decision to deport non-compliant Syrians and reduce their numbers towards areas not recognized by any party as safe or stable remains in effect.

The Syrian Future Movement conducted a quick survey (70 cases of Syrians) residing in Turkey about the reasons for their fear of deportation from Turkey to northern Syria, and the results were as follows:

  • 20% due to the security situation and the lack of an independent judiciary and regulated laws in northern Syria.
  • 80% due to the deteriorating economic situation and the lack of sufficient job opportunities, leading to high unemployment rates.

Based on this survey, the Syrian Future Movement is ready to hold official meetings with both the government and the opposition in Turkey to clarify the seriousness of the current situation and to provide the Turkish government with the following recommendation:

The Syrian Future Movement believes that the Turkish government (as the governing authority over the northwestern regions in Syria) is legally and ethically obligated to help Syrians reach a genuine and transparent governance that adheres to international standards, especially concerning the organization of military factions, the independence of the judiciary, and empowering entities responsible for applying and enforcing equitable laws, and supporting the education and health sectors as a temporary solution in the absence of a comprehensive Syrian settlement.

The Syrian Future Movement recommends to the Turkish government (until reaching a comprehensive settlement) to create a safe and stable economic and social environment in the areas under its jurisdiction through the following measures:

  1. Attracting real and developmental investments to eliminate rampant unemployment in northern Syria.
  2. Injecting funds through the establishment of developmental banks in northern Syria.
  3. Providing financial facilities or medium and long-term loans to companies and institutions willing to invest in northern Syria.
  4. Accelerating the construction process and developing quick plans to accommodate the influx of newcomers in the education and health sectors.
  5. Necessity of including the names of deported individuals in the official databases used in northern Syria to ensure economic and social rights.
  6. Allowing individuals willing to voluntarily return to experience it individually first without bringing their families, for a period that allows them to secure work, housing, and decent life.
  7. Empowering youth economically through stimulating the digital economy, which relies on training young people in remote work tools to develop and implement electronic products and services.
  8. Facilitating and granting necessary documents for the transit of raw and semi-processed agricultural and animal products safely and regularly through Turkish territories, whether for use within Turkey or in transit, as it plays a significant role in the growth of this sector in northern Syria, considering that it is the suitable product for the nature of the land and the skills of the residents.
  9. Supporting secure border industrial cities, which facilitate the work of Syrians within those areas without crossing into Turkish territory, and achieving significant profitable and developmental goals for industrialists and Syrian workers in northern Syria.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that in the absence of genuine reforms in northern Syria, cases of reverse migration (illegal) towards Turkish territories and from there to Europe will increase, especially among the category of youth who lose hope in a future within their homeland.

The Syrian Future Movement warns of the intention to deliberately impoverish northern Syria, making deportation operations akin to a suspended death sentence, as it opens the door to recruitment and militarization.

The Syrian Future Movement draws the attention of the Turkish government to the danger of exploiting forced displacement by terrorist organizations, including the SDF, resulting in negative reactions of incorporating some of them into their ranks and exploiting their vulnerable situation to destabilize Turkey in the future!

The Syrian Future Movement believes that the deportation of Syrians during this exceptional stage where the world as a whole is fighting against drug trafficking, and the “captagon leader,” makes those deported, most of whom are unemployed youth, a market for drug acquisition, promotion, and trafficking.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that expanding the role of local civil society organizations will fill the gap and achieve the desired impact to achieve stability and development in several areas, especially education, health, and economic empowerment. This can be achieved through supporting education programs, small projects, awareness programs about the dangers of drugs and their treatment, and psychosocial support programs to preserve family and community structure and reduce suicide rates.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of continuous work with the Turkish government to unify the efforts of the hosting society in Turkey with local civil society organizations and the accredited bodies representing Syrian refugees and their communities, and develop sustainable plans to stop instigation waves from malicious actors (on both sides) and tools of the Syrian regime, which are used to strike Turkey’s stability in the future!

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes that the only solution for the voluntary and safe return of Syrians is to expedite the arrival of a comprehensive settlement and implement the provisions of the Geneva 2254 Declaration.

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