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Statement to Promote Solidarity with the Palestinian People on their International Day

In 1977, the United Nations General Assembly called for the annual observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 29 (Resolution 32/40 B). This date commemorates the 1947 adoption of the General Assembly’s Resolution 181 (II), which proposed the partition of Palestine. Additionally, under Resolution 60/37 of December 1, 2005, the General Assembly requested the organization of an annual exhibition about Palestinian rights on November 29 in collaboration with the Palestinian mission to the UN. This initiative also urges member states to extend their fullest support and media coverage for the Solidarity Day.

In 2015, a significant milestone occurred when the Palestinian flag was raised at the UN headquarters and offices around the world. The General Assembly had adopted a resolution permitting non-member observer states, including the State of Palestine, to raise their flags. The flag-raising ceremony for the State of Palestine took place at the UN Headquarters in New York on September 30, 2015.

The Syrian Future Movement salutes the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their adherence to their land and rights, both within Palestine and among diaspora communities. The Movement observes that international institutions have become more focused on statistics than on preventing aggression against oppressed nations, suggesting a need to rebuild the international community on more equitable foundations. It expresses concern that Syria may follow the Palestinian precedent, becoming mired in a stagnant situation, with reliance on statistics and statements that do little to restore rights, address injustice, or effect governance changes. The Palestinian experience over the years has not substantially helped them to achieve their demands for a dignified life in their homeland.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the importance of preserving national and popular heritage and legitimate rights to a dignified life. It advocates for the utilization of such occasions to raise awareness about Palestinian rights and similarly, Syrian rights.

The Movement believes there is still hope for humanity to eradicate the causes of violence, occupation, and tyranny. This goal, it argues, should be a particular focus of the Syrian elite’s efforts.

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