Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and the State of Institutions

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to “establish an institutional state based on the principles of the rule of law.”

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) observes that the current Syrian reality is characterized by the fundamental absence of a “state,” with neither an independent unified authority, a cohesive people, nor complete sovereignty.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) holds the Assad regime responsible for the collapse of the “state” due to its disregard for all internal calls for reform, its reliance on security force, and its mortgaging of Syrian national sovereignty to regional and global powers.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) rejects all current projects that undermine the concept of “the state,” or hinder its reconstruction and development.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to establish an institutional state, not a hybrid, fragmented, or sovereignty-compromised state.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) seeks true independence for Syria that enables the establishment of a modern and contemporary “state” authority over its entire national territory.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) strives to build the “state” through Syrian national, constitutional, and legal institutions, which are not subordinate to specific internal agendas or external plans.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to ensure all Syrian citizens are equal in rights and duties before the “state” institutions, regardless of their categories, religions, sects, nationalities, and differences.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) emphasizes that “state” institutions should truly represent the Syrian people, without exclusion, bias, internal exploitation, guardianship, or foreign occupation.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) underscores the importance of Syrian citizens taking responsibility for overseeing the execution of plans laid out by “state” institutions, monitoring, and correcting them through legal frameworks.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) considers the general failure of de facto authorities in Syria as evidence of the urgent need for a unified institutional “state” that can serve as a shelter for all Syrians.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) believes the success of the Syrian revolution is contingent on our ability to build a strong institutional “state,” both now and in the future, guided by elected law.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) seeks sustainable stability in Syria through the activation of institutional work, dissociating the concept of “the state” from the inspired leader or the singular party.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) considers the difference between a modern advanced state and a backward state is the institutionalization of the state. The more a state adheres to flexible institutional thinking, the more advanced, prosperous, and developed it becomes.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to empower the Syrian people to access political information, oversee the government, and the functioning of state institutions through enhanced transparency, making its officials accountable for their actions under the rule of law.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) believes that an institutional state enhances efficiency and professionalism, enabling the government to implement more effective policies and services.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) views the Syrian people as a free people that cannot be tamed, with their post-2011 experience providing them with an independence that is not easily subdued. Therefore, maintaining the “state” under the authority of a particular family or a sectarian regime will lead to successive revolutions, preventing Syria from enjoying security or stability.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) sees that the Syrian people feeling represented by and hopeful through legal national institutions is the most successful and effective safeguard for national stability.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) believes that the establishment of an institutional “state” is the practical solution to prevent all extremist, racist, divisive, and separatist calls.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) stresses the independence of institutional operations, preventing patronizing overlaps, which protects the governmental system from negative external and internal influences.

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