Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement: Why a Movement?

The term “movement” is commonly used in political contexts to describe civil political entities that strive to achieve a national interest through popular will, aiming to improve economic, social, or political conditions, either individually or collectively within a comprehensive vision. On one hand, and from another perspective, the term “movement” is considered more inclusive and flexible than “party,” leading many parties to claim themselves as movements to suggest their liberation from ideological constraints and strict disciplinary commitments that are expected in a political party.

The Syrian Future Movement sees itself as a civil Syrian movement with its members adopting the goal of changing the existing Syrian regime, ensuring it does not participate in power in any form or color.
We in the Syrian Future Movement work to overturn the current state of disorder in Syria, known under the term (the Syrian regime), into forming and building a strong, cohesive national democratic popular system, enabling us and others to genuinely participate in political action on the ground in a unified Syria, or to be on the side of legitimate national opposition.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the term “movement” broader than “party,” where parties often aim to achieve a specific political ideology, usually imported, and based on this ideology, they participate in power! In contrast, political movements aim to change the existing situation in society by achieving non-ideological national interests, enabling them to participate in power according to their commitments to the people and their implementation capabilities on the ground.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the diversity of ideas and visions within the movement, as long as there is one unifying framework and goal, which a party cannot possess.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the right of all Syrians, regardless of their parties, affiliations, or political orientations, to participate with us in the movement, and to shape its general vision and inclusive approach.

The Syrian Future Movement sees flexibility as a necessity in all positions, which change according to time, place, and circumstances. Therefore, we believe in continuous renewal and the absence of party rigidity, one of the movement’s initial slogans since its founding (Renewed Thought), based on its realistic and objective reading, not on fixed, unchanging ideological methods!

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of implementing international decisions related to the Syrian issue, but it does not stop there; it strives, according to current circumstances, to achieve the best interests and avoid the worst corruptions, giving the movement great flexibility in change, transformation, and movement towards the best for the nation and citizens together.

The Syrian Future Movement does not believe in the concept of membership like other parties; it considers everyone who shares its goals as a partner in its cadre if they are impressed by its thought and flexibility. And those who are not part of it, revolving in its orbit, are not necessarily enemies or opponents.

The Syrian Future Movement is not rigid in dealing with Syrian personalities, and there are no binding rules for weaving its public relations, whether with individuals, groups, or entities. It revolves wherever the interest lies, whether humanitarian, national, or ethical, striving in its approach and working to achieve it.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the right of discretion, wide open, and the right to change discretion when the popular need, national interest, and life necessity require it, which sometimes leads to mistakes in daily political practice, and the right to learn from them without stubbornness or claiming a monopoly on truth.
Thus, the movement rotates with its discretions with strength and confidence, no matter how conditions evolve and circumstances change.

The Syrian Future Movement sees its mission in finding possible solutions and working realistically rather than overly idealistically. Therefore, it always looks at the general political climate, pays great attention to needs and necessities, and deals with them in its unique way, without imitating anyone or following others, internally or externally.

The Syrian Future Movement does not consider itself a tribal, clannish, religious, or ideological bloc but is based on a hierarchical leadership from the very beginning, with a flexible, calm, civil process, facilitating the monitoring of its activities, organizing its public relations, and handling in a systematic, studied, and special way internally, and balanced and clear interaction externally.

The Syrian Future Movement is a non-military civil movement, not using violence or weapons in its program.

The Syrian Future Movement does not see a transition to party work in the future as its message of continuous renewal and constant evolution is a necessary goal for it. Therefore, it chose the term “Movement” which means a flow not just passing by but in a state of continuous permanence, and may evolve to cause its stream to create other streams that revolve in its orbit or contribute to its benefit.
Thus, we did not choose the term “Current” which indicates a wave that passes and stops without continuity. The official full name: Syrian Future Movement is an example of renewal and innovation, breaking away from the conventional and followed in naming similar movements.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in organized central work and effective participation in the national path, in all social, religious, political, and intellectual directions
The Syrian Future Movement limits its work and activities exclusively to a unified Syria, serving Syrian citizens both within the country and abroad, wherever they may be. It engages to be active and influential with its regional surroundings and international relations within this path.

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