Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and Socialism

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the importance of a free market protected by the state, which prevents wealth accumulation within a single class, instead maintaining and preserving a balance between individual ownership and the non-exploitation of the poor and middle classes.

The Syrian Future Movement rejects the dominance of public ownership over individual ownership, considering it a destructive factor for society and the economy.

The Syrian Future Movement views the lack of mechanisms that enable the people to organize their economy as leading a few to control, direct, and monopolize it, thus making socialism a tyrannical alternative to capitalism.

The Syrian Future Movement sees value in green socialism, which focuses on conserving and developing natural resources, paying attention to public transport and food sectors, and ensuring the provision of basic needs for every citizen.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in eliminating all forms of exploitation, ensuring social justice, and facilitating every citizen’s access to their natural rights from national resources.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of eradicating poverty in all its forms and ensuring every citizen’s right to healthcare and education.

The Syrian Future Movement rejects all forms of employment discrimination and believes that a free employment market creates disparities between jobs based on interest, thus wages increase according to need, rejecting the inflation of one job at the expense of another.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the principle of “mutually beneficial and balanced participation based on the principle of communicating vessels,” considering it an alternative to socialism. In this principle, individual ownership is preserved, and individuals participate in protecting their gains while ensuring the continuity of other classes in society.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the ideas of competition and creativity, considering that freedom in individual ownership and work are primary reasons for economic and societal growth.

The Syrian Future Movement does not favor empowering workers at the expense of weakening employers or vice versa; it sees the necessity of creating a balance between employees and employers while ensuring their legitimate rights, and strengthening and supporting the employer in their pursuit of excellence, development, and continuity.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of learning from the experience and reality of developed countries, considering the experiences of Western capitalist economic systems, especially the American and generally the European, to be more successful than the experiences of socialist countries.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of drawing from the experience of systems that integrate the economy with ethics, believing that Syrian economic elites should benefit from the experiences of developed countries on one hand, and delve into our culture to strengthen our experience on the other hand, giving due consideration to Syrian specificity, to find an authentic and realistic Syrian economic system.

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