Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and Freedom

The Syrian regime deliberately leaned on the term “freedom,” making it one of its flashy slogans chanted by its party’s vanguards and members, without any social, religious, or even political realism.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that “freedom” and inevitability cannot be separated under any circumstances. Humans are capable of both good and evil, and their awareness is manifested in all their life actions, including the political aspect.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that any attempt to curb or restrict the practice of “freedom” without a free law through an elected parliament is rejected and condemned tyranny.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that freedom is a great principle, which the Syrian people, through their 2011 revolution, managed to reclaim (a necessary and obligatory right for the individual citizen) after it was hijacked by the Assad regime for decades, failing to realize it in reality, during the time of both Assad the father and the son.

The Syrian Future Movement sees “freedom” as the entry point to achieving human humanity. There is no humanity without free will, and no free will without complete and unimpeded freedom.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that “freedom” is a lofty and noble principle, immune to the distortions of tyrants and diluters. Freedom in the country is not a key to permissive corruption, nor a cover for the strong to oppress the weak, nor a tool for demolishing morals. Rather, it is the realization of rationality as the distinction between human beings and other creatures.

The Syrian Future Movement attaches great importance to the political society and its role in enhancing and protecting the principle of “freedom” by organizing human life towards the foundations of truth, goodness, and beauty.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that “freedom” is all that is allowed by the free law enacted by an elected national parliament.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that “freedom” is the ability to choose and will together, and it is not linked to the desire of a tyrant or despot, but to the fair law that regulates the life of the citizen in the homeland.

The Syrian Future Movement sees “freedom” as the Creator’s gift to His creation, and it should never be prevented or hindered under any circumstances or for any reason.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that a people who possess true “freedom” are capable of making it a building block through which they ascend the ladder of perfection in their homeland and society, instead of being a tool for destruction and demolition.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that freedom is not against morality but is the basis of social morality, a condition for realizing the entity of an advanced society, a driver for civilized action, and the foundation of the society’s independence as master of itself and its destiny.

The Syrian Future Movement sees “freedom” as equivalent to the breath of life in humans, liberation from the shackles of ignorance, darkness, and pastoralism exploited by the tyrant in his control over people’s destinies, to see himself as the sole ruler of their affairs.

The Syrian Future Movement fights all forms of slavery and subservience, whether to authority, despot, tyrant, or charlatan, or real or disguised slavery, with the weapon of “freedom,” for humans were created free, and their state, fate, and the pivot of their lives depend on it.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that religious “freedom” is the first building block in defusing discord in society, and considers religious reform the first step in reforming the entire society.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that political “freedom” is necessary to reinforce a person’s feeling of belonging to his society and homeland, and any kidnapping or tampering with it has grave consequences for both the country and the citizen.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that political “freedom” must be complete and unimpaired, allowing the exercise of political space through the formation of currents, parties, and groups, provided that the allegiance is to the homeland alone.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that national “freedom” is independence from all foreign occupations and guardianships and rejects any current or future intervention that causes the kidnapping of the Syrian national decision.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that the distortions we suffer today in the liberated areas are not a result of freedom but one of the outcomes of the war and the fight against tyranny. The only solution lies in correcting the course of “freedom,” deepening its understanding, and firmly establishing its practice in the homeland in form and substance.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that the root of our Syrian problem lies in the absence of political freedom due to repression and coercion, and the absence of a link between civil freedom and human rights.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of establishing economic “freedom” through the right to ownership, the freedom of workers to choose their jobs, and the freedom of people to save their money and invest it, and so forth.

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