Our projects

Syrian Future Movement © All rights reserved

The importance of relief work and development and social projects for Syrians affected by the war:

With the ongoing war in Syria and the resulting crisis that has left an indelible impact on the country and its people, cities have been destroyed, families torn apart, and a large number of casualties have occurred. The economic infrastructure has also been severely affected, leaving millions of Syrians in desperate need of all forms of humanitarian assistance. For this reason, we in the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) have set our priorities through the following:

Addressing immediate needs:

Relief work is vital in times of crisis, as it addresses the immediate needs of affected populations. This includes providing food, water, medical supplies, shelter, and more. For many Syrians, individual and collective relief efforts have made a crucial difference between life and death for many affected families and individuals. (The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) had the honor of participating in providing the necessary support).

Social Rehabilitation:

The effects of the war in Syria have not only resulted in the systematic destruction of state resources! It has also had profound psychological impacts. Therefore, social projects prioritize rebuilding the community and activating the role of psychological support in stabilizing affected families. For this reason, we work on developing and supporting activities that enhance social cohesion in order to heal the scars of war and its dangerous repercussions, providing a sense of reassurance and security for individuals and families alike. (The Syrian Future Movement has had the honor of participating in securing the necessary means).

Enhancing Self-Sufficiency:

If immediate relief is essential and necessary, then long-term development and social projects ensure that Syrians can ultimately become self-sufficient, so they do not become a burden on anyone! This includes projects that promote agriculture, trade, small businesses, and more. (The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) has had the honor of participating in securing what is needed).

Building resilience:

Development projects focus on building the resilience of communities by strengthening the education sector, repairing infrastructure, and creating job opportunities. These projects aim to provide Syrians with the tools and resources they need to rebuild their lives and communities. (The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) was honored to participate in providing what was necessary).

Youth Empowerment:

The impact of the war on the reality of Syrian youth is immeasurable! Therefore, we prioritize developmental and social projects, with education of all kinds at the forefront, as well as the refinement and development of skills. This gives them hope for a better future in which they can be the builders of their nation. (And the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) had the honor of participating in securing what was needed.)

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