Dr. Zaher BaadaraniOfficial congratulationsPolitical officePresidency officepresident SFM

Congratulations on the election of the Lebanese Army Commander Joseph Aoun as President of the Republic of Lebanon

The Syrian Future Movement congratulates the Lebanese people on overcoming the presidential vacuum and successfully electing a president for the country.

The Syrian Future Movement congratulates Commander Joseph Aoun on obtaining the legal quorum for his election as President of brotherly Lebanon.

The Syrian Future Movement looks forward to a healthy and balanced relationship between the Syrian Republic and Lebanon, based on mutual interests, fraternity, state-building, and rejecting transnational and transstate projects.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the stability of Lebanon and Syria to be tied by vital shared interests.

The Syrian Future Movement aspires to strengthen the role of state institutions in Syria and Lebanon in addressing all the issues caused by the previous phase, particularly the files of refugees and detainees in both Lebanon and Syria.

The Syrian Future Movement views the election of Commander Joseph Aoun as a regional turning point towards state-building in Lebanon, instead of perpetuating the destructive militia approach that has plagued both Syria and Lebanon for decades.

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