Media OfficeNews and Commentary

“News and Commentary”On the Death of Syrian Writer Nasser Bandak”

Different Syrian news channels have circulated the tragic news of the killing of the Syrian writer “Naser Bandak” after more than 10 years in the prisons of the Syrian regime.
Amnesty International reported that Naser Saber Bandak was arrested on February 17, 2014. He was employed at the Ministry of Information and was known for his involvement in relief efforts for internally displaced persons. Naser was arrested at his home in Sahnaya, a suburb of Damascus.

The raid that led to his arrest also resulted in the detention of human rights lawyer Jihan Amin, who resided in the same neighborhood, before she was released in April 2014. Jihan informed Naser’s family that she had seen him at Branch 227 of the Military Intelligence in Damascus.
However, the Syrian authorities have not provided his family with any information about his whereabouts, despite numerous inquiries from the family, all in vain.
End of news.

Comment by the Syrian Future Movement (SFM):
1- The Syrian Future Movement extends its condolences to the Syrians at large, particularly to the Governorate of Sweida, and the bereaved family of the writer Naser Bandak.
2- “Naser Bandak” stands as a stark example of the Syrian regime’s repressive policies against all forms of peaceful opposition.
3- It is critical to call upon the international community to assist the Syrian people in restraining the Syrian regime from detaining individuals from various segments of the Syrian population for authoritarian and despotic reasons.
4- There must be vigilance regarding the Syrian regime’s policies of fabricating criminal charges or presenting natural death certificates for those killed under torture in its prisons.
5- The leaders of the security branches, and everyone whose hands are stained with the blood of our Syrian people under torture, must be held accountable.
6- Finally, we recommend that the name Naser Bandak mark the beginning of a real movement to stop torture in all Syrian prisons.

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