Media Officetoday news

Saturday News Summary 30/03/24.

(SFM) News:

  • The Religious Office of the Syrian Future Movement released a program titled “Verse and Purpose (20)” with the episode titled “The Criminal”.
  • The Family Affairs Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled “Empowering Women in Northern Syria: Strategies to Enhance Their Civil Role”.
  • The Syrian Future Movement launches a journalism training program.
  • The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue teaching the curriculum of free basic education to its students in its headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

  • The phenomenon of car theft and its contents spreading in Hasakah is being smuggled into areas controlled by the Syrian regime.
  • An explosive device targeted an aerial intelligence patrol in Daraa.
  • The SDF announces the killing of two of its members in an ISIS attack in Raqqa.
  • Launching a project to preserve and maintain the Syrian bee for its reproduction.
  • “Free Syrian Army” affirms its readiness to cooperate with the SDF in combating ISIS.
  • Documentation of the names and photos of 4 individuals killed by the SDF during the Al-Hadath prison mutiny.
  • The SDF intelligence arrests a journalist in the countryside of Hasakah.
  • The interim government announces a program to automate the records of Palestinian refugees in northern Syria.

Related News:

  • Washington imposes restrictions on visas for officials in the Syrian regime.
  • Arab countries abstain from voting… the United Nations approves funding for the Missing Persons Foundation in Syria.
  • The “Syrian Network” calls for filing a case against the Syrian regime in the International Court of Justice.

International News:

  • Gellant vows to pursue Hezbollah in Syria, Lebanon, and anywhere else.
  • Poland: Europe has entered a “pre-war era” and Zelensky fears a retreat of his forces.
  • Russia announces foiling a bomb attack in the south of the country and the arrest of three individuals.
  • Riot police and explosives experts were mobilized… the hostage-taking operation in the Netherlands ends.
  • A senior official at the U.S. State Department resigns in protest against the Israeli war in Gaza.
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