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News on Thursday, September 28, 2023

(SFM) News:

Our scientific office (SFM) continues the program of teaching the Arabic language and the Qur’an for free to our orphans in Northern Syria.

The President of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) conducts a series of meetings to establish a plan to expand the current’s program activities in the coming days.

Domestic News:

The Minister of Tourism in the Assad regime attends the Green Tourism Conference in Saudi Arabia.

Peaceful demonstrations in Suwayda continue for the 40th day, demanding the implementation of the UN Resolution 2254.

A pro-regime journalist was arrested after a post on Facebook.

A report by the Syrian Network for Human Rights points to Russian violations in Syria, which have reached 360 massacres and more than 7,000 martyrs.

Related News:

A bill “Opposing Normalization with the Assad regime” is introduced in the US Senate.

The International Justice Organization will consider torture lawsuits against the Syrian regime on November 10 and 11.

Russia accuses the US of violating the deconfliction protocols in Syria 10 times within 24 hours.

Jordan accuses the Syrian regime of increasing its smuggling of Captagon after Arab normalization and confirms the Arabs’ failure to deal with the Assad authority.

The Lebanese Army, along with army intelligence, raid Syrian camps since 5 am in the Al-Aaqibiya and Al-Bisariya areas, seizing about 100 motorcycles, and arresting individuals under the pretext of not renewing their identification papers.

International News:

Australia restructures its army in a shift towards long-range deterrence.

China and Saudi Arabia will conduct joint naval exercises next month.

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