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Friday News Summary, 28-06-2024

SFM News: The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published from the memory of the Syrian revolution on 28-06-2015, highlighting that on this day in 2015: 174 martyrs in the second largest “massacre” by ISIS in Syria.

Tawad Educational Schools Chain in Afrin are intensively engaging with their students during the summer period to improve their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News: The Air Force Intelligence arrests businessmen in rural Damascus.

A body found in a well in Daraa reveals the mystery of a man’s disappearance since 1985.

A young man and a child drowned in water bodies in western Idlib.

The “Autonomous Administration” issues a decision prohibiting scavenging wherever it is found.

A Syrian farmer was killed in Quneitra by Israeli army gunfire.

Renewed protests in Idlib to topple Al-Julani.

In opposition to its opening, military personnel and civilians attack the Abu al-Zindin crossing and break rooms inside it.

“Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” forms the “Supreme Committee for the Court of Grievances.”

The SDF is preparing to send more than 50,000 barrels of oil to the Syrian regime.

The “Local Council in A’azaz” denies preparing to open a crossing with areas under Syrian regime control.

A local militia leader affiliated with the “Fourth Division” was assassinated in the city of Daraa.

Accused of taking bribes in dollars and manipulating cases, the Syrian regime dismissed 7 judges in 6 months.

Damascus maintains its position as the worst city to live in the world for 2024.

Related News: Russia: One of our planes avoided collision with an international coalition drone in the skies over Homs.

Congress agrees to include 3 items in the U.S. State Department budget regarding Syria.

Erdogan: We have no intention to intervene in Syria and no objection to restoring relations with Assad.

A UN resolution obliges the Syrian regime and Israel to strictly and fully respect the disengagement conditions.

International News: Iran extends the voting period in the presidential elections.

The United States imposes sanctions on Emirati companies trading in Iranian oil.

Biden agrees to deliver 1,700 bombs to Israel.

A presidential debate marred by insults and accusations ended without a handshake between Biden and Trump.

Washington invites foreign ministers of Arab countries and Israel to attend the upcoming NATO summit.

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