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Friday News Summary 26-04-24.

(SFM) News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement congratulated the new launch of Syria TV.

Domestic News:
“The Sham Front” supports the implementation of the death penalty ruling north of Aleppo within the judicial system.

A human rights activist reveals details of the arrest of a student from Suwayda in Latakia on charges of “insulting the president”.

Two months of anti-al-Julani protests in Idlib.

Two children injured by regime forces’ shelling on the city of Ariha, south of Idlib.

The National Army arrests Mustafa Sijri in Azaz, north of Aleppo.

Three people die of suffocation while digging a water well in Deir ez-Zor.

Leaders of the “Al-Mu’tasim Brigade” surrender themselves to the police amid internal conflict.

With Turkish information assistance, the National Army arrests ISIS officials in northern Syria.

The interim government condemns the “execution” incident in Azaz and vows to hold the perpetrators accountable.

Red Cross: Syrian pharmacies sell drugs bearing the organization’s emblem.

Related News:
United States: Committed to providing funding and political will to help Syrians.

UN Human Rights Commissioner: The conflict in Syria is a deep wound, especially for the families of the missing.

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs calls for respect for international humanitarian law in Syria.

Najat Rashdi calls for the protection of civilians, infrastructure, and ensuring aid reaches Syria.

Turkish Ambassador to the United Nations: There is no place for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in Syria’s future.

Western diplomat: Israel threatened to destroy the Assad regime if it uses force against it.

International News:
From Los Angeles to New York, university student movements supporting Palestine are expanding.

The Economist: The Middle East suffers from militia crises.

France plans to establish a European “intervention force” independent of America.

Sentenced to 7 life imprisonments and 1794 years for the perpetrator of a partition attack.

Anticipated meetings on Gaza in Riyadh with the participation of Arab and European officials.

Transferred to the hospital… a car overturns in Ben Gurion after arriving at the scene of a stabbing incident in Ramla.

Poll: 63% of Israelis support the resignation of army leaders.

Vidan refuses to attend the meeting of EU foreign ministers.

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