Media Officetoday news

Sunday, December 24, 2023 News.

(SFM) News:
The Presidential Office of the Syrian Future Movement publishes a congratulatory card for Christmas.

The Organizational Office within (SFM Papers) published a paper titled: “Syrian Future Movement and the Values of Religions”.

Continuation of the program for educating children who have dropped out of school in “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Domestic News:
A child was injured due to artillery shelling by the Syrian regime targeting a school in the countryside of Idlib.

Steps to legalize the use of ‘Amperats’ in Rural Damascus.

7,000 orphans in the areas controlled by the Syrian regime during 2023.

One person died and two grandchildren were injured in a traffic accident north of Idlib.

“QSD” evacuates its headquarters in northeastern Syria.

A Russian advisor leaked secret information regarding Syria in exchange for 200 dollars.

Decline in winter response in the camps in northwestern Syria.

Damascus Airport resumes operations without an announcement from the Syrian regime for military purposes.

The Minister of Religious Endowments in the Syrian regime government visits Saudi Arabia.

Under the pretext of maintenance, the number of public transport buses in Damascus reduced by 50 percent.

Floods in the countryside of Tartous cause damage to crops.

Unknown assailants assassinate a drug dealer in his home in Daraa.

Sheikh Hakmat Al-Hajri confirms the continuation of the Sweida movement: The next year will bring a glimmer of hope.

Related News:
Turkish intelligence targets a senior leader of “PKK” in Syria.

The Turkish Defense Ministry announces the destruction of 29 locations of the “PKK” organization in Syria and Iraq.

Turkish airstrikes target oil and military sites of “QSD” in northeastern Syria.

International News:
Houthis: The Red Sea will ignite if the U.S. continues its “bullying”.

Iran protests Russia over its stance on the disputed islands with the UAE.

Storm Sultan sweeps through Germany with warnings of floods across the country.

Iran denies involvement in the Houthi attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

The Semalka border crossing with northern Iraq announces the suspension of its operations.

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