Media Officetoday news

News for Tuesday, 24-10-2023

(SFM) News:
Completion of drilling the “Tawad” well on the land of the Future Syrian Movement in the city of A’azaz, northern Syria.

Our scientific office (SFM) is monitoring an education program for our children who have dropped out from schools in “Tawad” in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Internal News:
Martyrdom of two infants and 3 women in a Russian bombing on a camp west of Idlib.

Since the beginning of October, 60 civilian martyrs in northwestern Syria have been documented due to bombings by the Syrian regime and Russia.

The date for the release of university admission results has been set, and an announcement has been made about an increase in master’s program seats in areas under the Syrian regime’s control.

Related News:
The White House accuses Iran of facilitating attacks on American bases in Syria and Iraq.

Economist: Gaza reminds Syrians of what Bashar al-Assad did to them.

International News:
47 massacres in the past few hours in Gaza, and the Ministry of Health announces the collapse of the health sector.

Israeli public relations experts described the decision to put “Yoshevid Levshitz” in front of the cameras as a “mistake”, as international media now talk about “Hamas’s kindness in caring for the needs of the hostages”.

The Russian Ministry of Defense destroys 3 drones near Crimea.

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