Media OfficeNews

News for Monday, 2024-09-30.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Office of the Presidency of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published the Syrian Future Movement Podcast (33): A Package of Legislations from the Movement’s Perspective.
  • The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published an article by the Independent Researchers section titled: Syria Between the Axes of Takfir and Disbelief!
  • The Scientific Office/Capacity Building and Self-Development Section completed the “English Language Level 2” training.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a memory from the Syrian Revolution on 2012/09/30, where on this day in 2012, the Ibn Rushd Foundation for Freedom of Thought announced that the Syrian activist Razan Zaitouneh had won its annual award dedicated to Arab Spring activists. The Foundation noted that Zaitouneh represents a model for Syrian youth who risk their freedom and lives to achieve change and transition to a democratic civil state. She is also an example of Syrian women participating in the struggle against the authoritarian regime.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a caricature titled: Syrian Revolution Caricature No. 114.

Internal News:

  • A new standard has been adopted for distributing heating diesel in Syria.
  • A local group launched a security campaign against a kidnapping gang east of Daraa.
  • The Syrian regime claims to have provided transportation companies in Syria with their diesel allocations.
  • The Chinese embassy celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Damascus.
  • The National Front thwarted an infiltration attempt by Syrian regime forces west of Aleppo.
  • An entire family became victims of a bombing targeting Iranian militias in Deir ez-Zor.
  • Russia announced attacks on 21 militant gatherings in two Syrian provinces.
  • SDF announced the entry of more than 3,000 arrivals from Lebanon into its areas of control.

Related News:

  • Saudi Arabia expects a 2.3% deficit in the 2025 budget.
  • The King of Bahrain stressed the importance of stopping the ongoing escalation in the region.

International News:

  • Borrell: Any “further military intervention” in Lebanon must be avoided.
  • CENTCOM: Orders for quick responses to any aggression in the Middle East.
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