Media OfficeNews

News for Wednesday, 2024-09-25.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Scientific Office/Capacity Building and Self-Development Department of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) awarded certificates for completing the training: Content Creation.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published the series “Symbols and Figures of the State in Syria (12)” featuring Nazim al-Qudsi.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published from the memory of the Syrian Revolution on 25/09/2011, when demonstrations took place in Syria under the name: “Sunday of Loyalty to Zeinab al-Hosni.”
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a caricature titled: Syrian Revolution Caricature No. (109).

Internal News:

  • The National Coalition condemns the Syrian regime’s targeting of the town of Kafriya.
  • Hadi al-Bahra: A meeting between Bashar al-Assad and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is possible despite obstacles.
  • The Negotiation Committee discusses developments in the political process in Syria with international officials.
  • Syrian regime forces carry out a raid campaign in rural Damascus.
  • “Self-Administration”: 1,520 prisoners benefited from the “Amnesty Law,” and 1,120 were released.
  • In parallel with a security campaign in Hasakah, SDF raided a camp in Raqqa.
  • Buthaina Shaaban: Turkey is exploiting “normalization with Syria” for gains, and there will be no rapprochement without a withdrawal.
  • Bashar al-Assad: Political openness to Syria will not improve the economy.
  • “SDF” announces the killing of three of its members in separate attacks in Deir ez-Zor.
  • Eight Syrian regime forces killed in an operation by “Fath al-Mubin” in northern Latakia.
  • Regime forces killed and injured in ISIS attacks in Homs and Deir ez-Zor.
  • After being free, the Salakhad hospital now charges for medical services.
  • Violent clashes between the 8th Brigade and a regime-affiliated group in Mseifra, Daraa.
  • An airstrike kills leaders of “Ansar al-Islam” in rural Hama.
  • Haaretz: The Israeli army is concerned about 40,000 elements from Syria, Iraq, and Yemen arriving in the Golan.

Related News:

  • Emir of Qatar: We look forward to a solution that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people in line with the Geneva Declaration 1 and Resolution 2254.
  • Through border crossings in Homs, a new group of Lebanese refugees enters Syria.
  • The Saudi embassy in Damascus holds a reception to mark National Day.

International News:

  • Amid Israeli escalation in Lebanon and Gaza: Biden warns of a full-scale war.
  • Reports of a temporary truce in Gaza and Lebanon for four weeks.
  • UNICEF: Countless Lebanese children are at risk.
  • The Israeli occupation army storms the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank and besieges its hospitals.
  • Greece and Turkey are moving toward talks on maritime boundary delimitation.
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