Media Officetoday news

News on Monday, 23-10-2023

(SFM) News:
The Political Office of the Syrian Future Movement issued a statement welcoming the French judicial ruling against four senior officers loyal to the Syrian regime.

Our scientific office (SFM) continues the educational program for our children who have dropped out of school, in “Tawad” schools in both Afrin and A’azaz cities in northern Syria.

Internal News:
Civilian casualties and displacement due to the regime’s shelling on the outskirts of Aleppo and Idlib.

Faisal Mekdad discusses with the Saudi Foreign Minister the escalation on Gaza.

Kyrgyzstan receives 83 children and women from the families of the ISIS organization from camps in northeastern Syria.

The Syrian regime causes a fuel crisis in Al-Suwayda.

The head of the teachers’ syndicate in the regime areas reveals a severe shortage in the educational staff.

Related News:
The Syrian documentary “Dreams Behind the Lines” won an award at the French Grand Bivouac festival, after winning the award for the best documentary series at the Cannes International Festival.

International News:
17 days of war on Gaza with continued bombing.

Postponing the ground attack on Gaza amid Israeli disagreements.

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