Media Officetoday news

News on Saturday, October 21, 2023.

(SFM) News:

  • The Syrian Future Movement withdraws from the Syrian Democratic Meeting before the assembly.
  • The president of the Syrian Future Movement, Dr. Zaher Baadarani, held intensive meetings with Syrian figures in Berlin yesterday and today.
  • Dr. Zaher Baadarani, the President of the Syrian Future Movement, is conducting political tours after leaving northern Syria.
  • Our scientific office (SFM) continues the education program for our children who have dropped out of school, in the “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.
  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement issued the “SFM Medal” and chose Dr. Burhan Ghalioun as one of the figures who supported the Syrian revolution.

Internal News:

  • With increased determination, peaceful demonstrations continue in the Suwayda province for the 63rd day. The party center in “Al-Qariyya” has been transformed into a comprehensive service center.
  • The Interim Syrian Government conducts practical exams for medical personnel who have dropped out of their studies.
  • A military vehicle was detonated in the Daraa countryside.
  • Clashes between the National Army and SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) north of Aleppo.
  • Renewed clashes in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor between tribal fighters and the SDF.

Related News:

  • A European statement on the tenth anniversary of signing the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty condemns the regime; the regime limits its response to a protest.
  • A French intelligence document expresses concerns over jihadists returning from Idlib to pose threats during the Olympics.

International News:

  • Threats of Israeli military incursion into Gaza continue, along with ongoing bombings, resulting in more civilian casualties and injuries.
  • Biden believes that the events in Gaza have hindered Saudi-Israeli normalization.
  • The United States imposes sanctions on Chinese entities that have contributed to the spread of ballistic missiles.
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