Media Officetoday news

Thursday, February 15, 2024 News:

(SFM) News:

The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “Scenario for Unifying the ‘Interim’ and ‘Rescue’ Governments.”

The “Tawad” Educational Schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue their program to teach the curriculum of free basic education to their students in their headquarters in the cities of Azaz and Afrin.

‏الأخبار المحلية:‏

Opening of a complex comprising 4500 housing units in Jarablus, east of Aleppo.

Assassination of a leader from the “Al-Amshat” Brigade inside his home in the countryside of Afrin.

Casualties and injuries among regime forces in an armed attack west of Raqqa.

Regime forces withdraw from Mahajja in Daraa, and local groups attack the “State Security” detachment.

The American Coalition for Syria: Arab countries sought to obstruct the law against normalization with the Assad regime.

Two university students from Al-Qamishli killed by unknown gunmen in the desert of Deir ez-Zor.

Regime forces storm one of the towns in Daraa, and its youth respond by attacking military barracks.

“The US Congress” approves a bill against normalization with the Syrian regime.

The Syrian regime increases the monthly compensation for “National Defense” wounded to around $10.

Related News:

The European Union emphasizes the priority of the Syrian file for Brussels.

Geir Pedersen: Regional developments extending to Syria have become more acute.

Najat Rushdi: Funding allocated to Syria is at its lowest historical level.

International News:

The US Central Command intercepts an Iranian arms shipment destined for the Houthis.

After the yen depreciation, Germany surpasses Japan to become the third largest economy in the world.

The United States imposes sanctions on companies affiliated with the Iranian Central Bank.

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