Media Officetoday news

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 News

(SFM) News:
The organizational office of the Syrian Future Stream published a paper titled: “The Syrian Future Stream and National Consensus.”

The Syrian Future Stream grants certificates of completion for attending media and promotion training.

The “Tawad” educational school series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Stream, continues its program of teaching basic education courses for free to its students in its headquarters in the cities of Azaz and Afrin.

Internal News:
The regime announces the seizure of one million Captagon pills in Latakia.

Republican Guard elements flee their positions in Bukamal fearing targeting.

With edged weapons… a fight between children leads to the death of one in Hasakah.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.2 centered in the Latakia Governorate in Syria.

The killing of two members of Iranian militias in coalition airstrikes on Deir ez-Zor.

Nine regime forces killed in attacks by ISIS in the Syrian desert.

Lavrov states that Russia is cooperating with Arab countries to rebuild Syria.

Iranian militias redeploy in Deir ez-Zor after US strikes.

Related News:
Iran withdrew senior Revolutionary Guard leaders from Syria days before US strikes.

Pentagon: No attacks on our forces in Iraq and Syria since February 4.

Ukraine publishes lists of Syrians recruited to fight alongside the Russian army.

The New York Times: It is not yet time for the withdrawal of US forces from the Middle East.

International News:
On the 131st day of the war on Gaza… warnings of a “massacre” in Rafah and the failure of the Cairo meeting.

“Yedioth Ahronoth” reveals two plans discussed with the Biden administration to end the war.

Cyprus negotiates with Lebanon to repatriate 116 Syrian refugees rescued off its coast.

Gantz threatens a near and strong response to missile launches from Lebanon.

Erdogan’s first visit in 11 years… Erdogan leaves the UAE and arrives in Egypt.

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