Media Officetoday news

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 News

(SFM) News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) released a video showing the preparation of its office and headquarters in the city of Afrin, northern Syria.

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) issued a statement regarding Palestine, Afghanistan, and Idlib.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) provides fuel to support bakeries in northern Syria and distribute it for free to those deserving.

Our scientific office (SFM) continues a program to teach the Arabic language and the Quran for free to our children in northern Syria.

Domestic News:

“QSD (Syrian Democratic Forces)” holds a funeral for its martyrs in Al-Malikiyah, northeastern Syria, those who fell in Turkish airstrikes.

The Syrian regime closes the Houthi embassy in Damascus.

Doctors Without Borders announces the worsening of the humanitarian situation due to the military escalation in northwestern Syria.

Civil Defense warns of unexploded bombs in northwestern Syria.

A quarter of open education students in regime-controlled areas have exhausted their allowed years or are not attending regularly.

Related News:

The USA and UK praise the efforts of the International Court of Justice to hold Assad accountable.

EU and Gulf countries reaffirm their commitment to a political solution in Syria.

The US State Department calls on all parties to cease fire in northern Syria.

Iran leverages the “Al-Aqsa storm” to increase its influence in Syria.

The leader of an opposing Turkish party calls on Syrians to fight in Palestine at her expense.

International News:

A state of emergency is declared in Israel “to manage the war”.

Air traffic is suspended at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel.

Dozens, including 4 Palestinian paramedics, were killed by Israeli shelling on Gaza.

Protests in Arab countries in solidarity with the Gaza Strip.

The Group of 24 calls for the cancellation of the debt of poor countries.

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