Media OfficeNews

Saturday News, 2024-08-31.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Economic Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published an article titled: “The Syrian Economy from an Economic Science Perspective.”
  • The Scientific Office/Capacity Building and Self-Development Department of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) completed the “English Language Level 3” training.
  • The Scientific Office/Capacity Building and Self-Development Department launched the “Art of Public Speaking” training.
  • The Scientific Office/Capacity Building and Self-Development Department completed the “Digital Journalism” training.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a caricature titled: “Syrian Revolution Caricature No. 84.”
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published from the memory of the Syrian revolution on 2012/08/31, where on this day in 2012: Regime forces shelled several areas in the Damascus countryside with artillery and missiles, resulting in the death of Saeed Taha in Harasta. They also stormed the city of Arbin after 5 days of siege, shelling, and clashes. Armored vehicles entered the main square before exiting towards the Zamalka Bridge. The “Revolutionary Command Council in Damascus Countryside” reported that the Free Syrian Army ambushed the regime’s armored vehicles on the exit route, leading to the destruction of 3 vehicles and wounding several soldiers.

Internal News:

  • The Syrian Civil Defense organized an event in A‘azaz on the occasion of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.
  • A worker died after falling from the fifth floor in the “Marota City” complex in Damascus.
  • Student protests took place at the University of Idlib.
  • The Eighth Brigade removed “violations” on water lines in the town of Ma‘araba in the eastern countryside of Daraa.
  • Local fighters in Jasim blocked roads and besieged Syrian regime forces.
  • “ISIS” slogans appeared in the heart of Raqqa, raising fears.
  • Accused of attempting to escape from the “Roj” camp in the countryside of Hasakah, “SDF” arrested 9 women.
  • Iranian militias were wounded east of Deir ez-Zor.
  • The “Syrian Council” condemned Khamenei’s statements.
  • Fires consumed vast agricultural areas in the countryside of Latakia.
  • For the second time in a week, and at an unusual time, a waterspout hit Latakia.
  • The “Action Group for Palestinians of Syria” demanded the disclosure of the fate of Palestinian detainees in the Syrian regime’s prisons.
  • A prisoner exchange took place between the National Army and “SDF” in the countryside of Aleppo.
  • A sheep theft in the desert of Homs led to clashes, resulting in two deaths.
  • Dozens of hepatitis cases in Hama raised fears of a widespread outbreak.
  • Former Syrian regime ambassador to Turkey: We want a withdrawal of forces as a result of negotiations, not as a precondition.
  • The Negotiation Committee: The forcibly disappeared is a non-negotiable issue and a necessary step for a political solution in Syria.
  • A hand grenade explosion claimed the life of a young man in Tartus.
  • The “Revolutionary Guard” recruited children from Deir ez-Zor to confront “SDF.”
  • A mass resignation of municipal council members in the countryside of Hama in protest against the council president’s violations.

Related News:

  • Washington imposes visa restrictions on 14 Syrian regime officials.
  • The Russian military police established a monitoring center in Quneitra.
  • Geir Pedersen called for the large-scale release of the forcibly disappeared in Syria.
  • The Turkish Defense Minister: Assad’s statements are extremely positive, and we welcome the possibility of a meeting.
  • Amnesty International called on the Syrian regime to end enforced disappearances.
  • A U.S. court sentenced a man who smuggled ancient mosaics from Syria to the United States.

International News:

  • Russia announced the death of 5 and the injury of 46 others in a Ukrainian attack in the southwest of the country.
  • Among them was a brigade commander; the Israeli army announced the injury of 3 officers in a double operation in the West Bank.
  • West Bank: Two Palestinians were martyred by Israeli army gunfire in Hebron.
  • Two Palestinians were martyred by Israeli occupation forces’ gunfire in Jenin refugee camp.
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