Media OfficeNews

News for Thursday, 2024-07-25.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a caricature titled: “Syrian Revolution Caricature No. (50).”
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) shared from the memory of the Syrian Revolution, 25/07/2015, noting that on this day in 2015: Bashar al-Assad issued an amnesty for those who had deserted mandatory military service, including those both inside and outside Syrian territory. The decree granted deserters a two-month period to turn themselves in.
  • The Tawad Educational Schools series in Afrin continues its intensive activities with students during the summer period to improve their educational level, address deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:

  • The “National Coalition” condemns the participation of the Syrian regime in the Baghdad Conference on Combating Drugs.
  • Four children injured by the explosion of a war remnant in rural Afrin.
  • A local faction in Sweida detains a regime forces officer with the rank of First Lieutenant.
  • Two Syrian regime officers killed in an unknown drone attack on Kuweires Airport.
  • A new batch of Syrian families prepares to leave Al-Hol camp in Hasakah.
  • A café in Idlib closed for “violations of Sharia,” citing serving hookah and gender mixing.
  • Announcement of Bashar al-Assad’s visit to Putin after his return from Moscow.
  • Over 180,000 Syrian students begin second session exams in regime-controlled areas.
  • The “Autonomous Administration” cancels local elections in northeastern Syria indefinitely.

Related News:

  • Increase of 9%: United Nations states that 16.7 million Syrians are in need of humanitarian aid.
  • UNICEF and WHO support a wide-scale vaccination campaign in Syria.
  • Russian sources: Putin did not ask Assad to meet Erdogan.
  • Stephan Schnicke: War criminals in Syria are not safe from prosecution.

International News:

  • Public transportation fares in Istanbul increased by over 13 percent.
  • Military helicopter crash in Russia results in crew fatalities.
  • Joe Biden officially reveals reasons for withdrawing from the presidential race.
  • In a shooting incident, the Israeli occupation army announces that 3 of its soldiers were injured in northern West Bank.

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