Media Officetoday news

Monday, March 4, 2024 News:

(SFM) News:

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published from the memory of the Syrian Revolution on March 4, 2012, where on this day in 2012, the Free Syrian Army seized the city of Raqqa and expelled Syrian regime forces from it.

The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue to implement the free basic education curriculum for their students in both of their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Military factions carry out “qualitative operations” against regime positions north of Latakia.

Following revelations of forgery operations, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) halt the activation of fuel cards due to corruption among its officials.

155 lawsuits – A judicial committee issues its first statement regarding the issue of labor in “Tahrir al-Sham.”

A raid and arrest campaign by the SDF targets civilians in the Guiran neighborhood of Hasakah.

The Syrian regime claims to have seized a drug shipment coming from a neighboring country.

A gang kills a pharmacist in Homs for refusing to sell prescription pills.

Residents of Atarib demand the establishment of decentralized administration and the neutrality of security forces in public life.

“The Syrian Network” issues a distress call to alleviate the suffering of 2000 families in the countryside of Aleppo.

A demonstration outside the courthouse in Sweida demands the trial of the killers of “Jawad al-Barouki.”

An Iraqi man kills his Syrian ex-wife and her husband, then commits suicide north of Raqqa.

From the coast to Aleppo – Escalation and direct confrontations between opposition forces and the Syrian regime.

UN report: 7 million displaced persons in Syria, children still being killed, and women’s safety at risk.

Qasioun newspaper, affiliated with Qadri Jamil, calls for convening the Constitutional Committee in Damascus.

Asma al-Assad ignores the role of the “state” and calls on charitable organizations to help people during Ramadan.

Judicial official: Decrease in cybercrimes in Damascus due to “deterrence.”

Bashar al-Assad: I expect Trump’s victory and US sanctions to be in favor of Syria and Russia.

Related News:
Vidhan states that he discussed the Syrian file with Lavrov.

The Commander of the US Central Command visits military bases in Syria.

Irish “Indo” forces in Syria plan to return equipment worth 23 million euros.

Iran links Israeli airstrikes on Syria to opposition factions.

International News:
Including the Supreme Guide – The Egyptian judiciary sentences 8 Muslim Brotherhood leaders to death.

Oil prices rise after the extension of “OPEC+” production cuts.

France becomes the first country in the world to enshrine the right to abortion in its constitution.

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