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.Sunday News Summary 03/03/24

(SFM) News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published the eighth episode of the “Messages of the Movement” podcast titled: “Reasons for Strength.”

The office of the presidency of the Syrian Future Stream extended congratulations on the occasion of World Civil Defense Day.

The scientific office of the Syrian Future Stream published an article titled: “The Chinese Giant” in the “Independent Researchers” section.

The Syrian Future Stream grants certificates of completion for attending the “Time Management” training.

The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Stream, continue teaching free basic education courses to their students at their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Rise in breast cancer cases… Environmental pollution threatens women’s health in eastern Syria.

In light of recent escalation… A delegation from the Russian army arrives in Sweida.

Two officers and a member of the Syrian regime forces injured by an explosive device targeting them in Daraa.

A civilian group in Sweida intercepts a drug shipment en route to Jordan.

“A sea dragon” uproots trees and causes damage to plastic houses in Tartous.

200 days since the Sweida uprising… “Women of the Peaceful Movement” reaffirm the demand for regime change.

Three civilians injured in a traffic accident in Idlib countryside.

A man and a woman killed in Hasakah due to a dispute and brawl over water distribution roles.

“Human frogs” begin search for a young man missing inside a cave in Tartous.

Six people die in a bus overturning on the Homs-Hama international road.

The salary of university professors in Syrian regime areas does not cover transportation costs.

Related News:
Lavrov: Normalization between Turkey and the Syrian regime has now become “impossible.”

International News:
Moscow: We have agreed with China on the necessity of our participation in talks on Ukraine.

Trump edges closer to nomination for presidency after winning Missouri and Michigan states.

Amid widespread discontent… Historic decrease in turnout percentage in Iranian elections.

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