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Statement on the Occasion of (100 Days) of Demonstrations in Sweida.

The Syrian regime bet on the factor of time, as each Syrian region has its uniqueness! Since it is not possible to use weapons and violence against our people’s revolution in Sweida, nor to falsely accuse them of terrorism, the Syrian regime was left with only two options:
1- Accusing them of collaboration with Israel, which was thwarted by their very high level of patriotism.

2- Betting on their weariness, especially with the harsh winter setting in the mountain there.

The Syrian Future Movement salutes the awareness of our people in Sweida, and their maintenance of the disciplined and peaceful nature of their movement, not allowing violent rhetoric or the intrusion of a military option to exploit them.

The Syrian Future Movement supports the people of Sweida, the land of Arabism, reminding itself first and then our people there that a half-revolution is of no benefit.

The Syrian Future Movement was and still is among the first Syrian movements present in the demonstrations of Al-Karamah Square.

The Syrian Future Movement affirms that its cadres in Sweida, its centers inside Syria, and in countries of migration and asylum, stand with the free people of Sweida, especially the leadership of the movement, meaning Sheikh Hikmat Al-Hijri, and even the last protesting child in all areas of Sweida.

Finally, a message:
Our brothers in Sweida, do not underestimate your movement, for today you have revived the spirit of the entire free Syrian people, from its east to its south, from its west to its north, from inside to outside.
Know your place, the significance and nature of your movement, do not underestimate its continuation, and do not succumb to the regime’s bet on your weariness!
Today, you are countering all the diseases of sectarianism, division, violence, terrorism, and tyranny for the Syrians.
One hundred days and you are carving into the rock of corruption, so do not weaken or grieve, for you are the highest, and history records.

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