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Statement of Condemnation for Targeting a Teacher in Afs Village, East of Idlib City.

Today, Saturday, the Syrian regime’s artillery targeted a school in Afs village, east of Idlib, resulting in the injury of two children and a teacher.

The Syrian Future Movement condemns this barbaric shelling by the Syrian regime forces on unarmed civilian areas.

The Syrian Future Movement holds both Russia and Iran responsible for this dangerous escalation, considering them as guarantors for the Syrian regime.

The Syrian Future Movement describes the targeting of civilians in Idlib as similarly brutal to Israel’s targeting of civilians in Gaza, based on the same flimsy excuses.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on the United Nations and the international community to protect civilians in northern Syria from the ongoing aggression of the Assad regime for 12 years.

The Syrian Future Movement reaffirms its suggestion of activating the “West Germany” option to unite regions outside the control of the Syrian regime, to protect them from military aggression and attacks.

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