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The functional evil is absolute evil… Hezbollah and the Shiite religious actor!

Our Moroccan philosopher professor, Taha Abdurrahman, describes the Israeli entity as absolute evil. In reality, the more accurate idea is that absolute evil is functional evil, regardless of its nature—whether Jewish, Shiite, Islamic, or Christian. The danger of functional evil lies in its ability to obstruct the emergence of social maturity and popular and political liberation movements through its role in occupying and hijacking their position within social civilization. The employment of religion and resistance for the benefit of the culturally and socially opposing political actor, for example, disables them and hijacks their social status and civilizational effectiveness!

This obstruction does not stop at merely disabling; this functional evil is transformed into a tool for absolute evil and its arms, uprooting social and popular liberation movements that seek to overthrow absolute evil and its tools and proxies! It is natural for functional evil to accept, ally with, or coordinate with absolute evil; however, at the same time, it can never accept an alliance with truth and national liberation movements because they socially compete with it and threaten its existence! Thus, we see that functional evil is able to ally with absolute evil to uproot liberation movements because they affect its legitimacy of existence, both socially and functionally! This is what Hezbollah and the Shiite religious actor in Iran did while feeding off regimes to combat social pressure and the Arab popular movement and national liberation movements!

The fundamental danger of functional evil stems from its existence relying on satisfying the other political actor, rather than on satisfying its rational self and the human and civilizational reflection and interaction of the social segment it emerges from! The existence of this functional evil, therefore, relates to the type of service or civilizational service it provides to the political tyrant or the foreign occupier. Hence, we see that functional evil is fully prepared to offer to the occupier, the political tyrant, and absolute evil everything they want as sacrifices to maintain its functional existence! Whether functional evil provides services based on direct servitude, implicit servitude, or self-interested servitude based on executing the shared interests between functional evil and the political actor, this does not change the reality and danger of the matter at all, as the negative civilizational results on social reality are inevitable, regardless of intent or the type of servitude!

Therefore, the popular liberating and civilizational engagement with functional evil should, at the very least, match the level of engagement with absolute evil, because this functional evil has essentially transformed into a part of the mechanism of absolute evil. Indeed, functional evil is more dangerous to the Arab and Islamic nation than absolute evil (the Israeli entity); it is, in fact, absolute evil itself! This functional evil—exemplified by Hezbollah—is willing to preserve absolute evil if given the choice between it and liberation movements, popular will, and Arab Islamic social pressure, because that is the only way for it to remain effective and present within the Arab and Islamic social environment in which it is culturally, politically, and ideologically foreign! Thus, the means for functional evil become an end in themselves! This way, this functional evil seeks to defend its existence as a body and a functional tool for absolute evil, disregarding the characteristics of its own project, which may have carried certain principles that differ from those of the political actor, the foreign occupier, and absolute evil (the Israeli entity)!

This means that the claim that the entity is more dangerous to the Arab and Islamic region than the party is a misguided idea because the relationship between the two entities is a functional service relationship and has not risen to the level of mutual servicing! The self-serving cooperation may be, to some extent, at the higher functional level between the Israeli entity and the Iranian regime, while the party is at the civilizational, social, and political level a multifunctional tool for several political levels, with the primary level being the Iranian actor, followed indirectly by the Israeli actor!

Thus, the Shiite religious actor and the party and their tools are more dangerous to the nation and civilization than absolute evil (the Israeli entity) itself. The functional evil within absolute evil is more dangerous than absolute evil itself because its existence simply relies on how much it satisfies absolute evil. Therefore, functional evil is unlimited evil and the most absolute! It misleads the vision of Arab and Islamic public opinion and creates a depletion and disturbance in the compass of elites and social segments due to the lack of clarity about the enemy and the complexity of the political and social scene. Naturally, the general public cannot analyze and dissect the details and particulars of the scene accurately, leading social reality to a state of instability and confusion in civilizational vision and existential organization, intellectually, socially, and politically! This places the Arab Islamic reality, both elites and the general public, in a state of confusion, ineffectiveness, fragmentation, and civilizational damage!

In conclusion: The Shiite religious actor in Iran and the party in Lebanon are cross-border functional evils that have transformed into unlimited evil, seeking their existence through civilizational mercenary work, uprooting national and social liberation movements in the Arab and Islamic world, and contracting with authoritarian regimes that seek to resist civilizational pressure and uproot the popular will that poses a strategic cultural, social, and political threat to the existence of the Israeli entity and its agents in the Arab East! The behavior of the functional party in the Arab region undoubtedly explains to any rational person the goal of maintaining the occupation of this functional evil all this time because it skillfully dismantles the social segments of the Arab and Islamic world in a manner that the occupation itself cannot achieve! It paves the social way for the Zionist empowerment we witness today! This was done through this functional party’s use of all tools of oppression, killing, displacement, terrorism, and civilizational dismantling.

Conversely, and based on the functional cooperation between the two parties, this Zionist occupier provides the Shiite religious actor and the party and their tools with political and legal cover by turning a blind eye to them on the international level.

Based on the above; there is no doubt that the initial solution today begins with dismantling the mechanics of this employment, alliance, and cooperation between functional and absolute evil because functional evil is a tactical part of absolute evil, and every functional part in the absolute evil system is considered unlimited evil and the most absolute and dangerous to Arab, Islamic, and humanitarian civilization! Thus, this dismantling between the two evils is a prerequisite for preparing for civilizational presence, making liberation and emancipation possible, even if the path is long, yet every perspective is close!

Scientific Office
Research and Studies Department
Independent Researchers
Dr. Alaa Rajab Tabab
Syrian Future Movement (SFM)

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