Independent researchersPolitical officeResearch and Studies DepartmentScientific office

Syria Between the Axes of Takfir and Disbelief!

I passed by a street vendor, and the conversation was about the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah. This vendor was neither a politician nor part of the Syrian elite. In the center of A‘azaz, northern Syria, I heard a simple vendor give a lesson in political understanding. He said, “Now Hassan Nasrallah meets Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in hell, discussing the reason for their conflict in Syria against the Syrian people. Nasrallah says, ‘We entered Syria to fight the takfiris (those who accuse others of disbelief),’ to which al-Baghdadi replies, ‘We entered to fight the infidels!'”

Between the pretexts of takfir and kufr (disbelief), the most brutal battles of the foreign invaders in Syria were waged on the heads of Syrians. Armies of conquerors marched over the skulls of Syrians, differing in their justifications but united in spilling our innocent blood.

Syria today is in great chaos, with a variety of ideologies on the Syrian stage—from left-wing to right-wing to centrist. Syria is under the control of forces with overwhelming military power and strong external international or regional backers.

Take the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), for example. They are trying to change the Arab mentality in their area of influence by introducing ideas foreign to the tribal mindset. Since when have Sunni Arab tribes accepted women carrying weapons and fighting like men? In tribal tradition, women are protected from violence. Since when have Syrian Arabs cared about the ideas of Abdullah Öcalan, that we now see some of our hypocrites voluntarily, and others reluctantly, repeating the words of “Apo,” just as the Baath Party hypocrites once repeated the words of their “eternal leader,” may his place in hell be vast.

Then there’s the Salvation Government, seeking to establish a Sunni entity, as if our main problem is the marginalization of Sunnis, as if Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham’s fight against the Free Syrian Army isn’t a fight against Sunni forces! Since when have the Sufi Sunni people tolerated the desecration of the shrines of saints they revere from mosque pulpits? Or the banning of Sufi rituals and celebrations in the north, with taxes imposed on air, water, and flour?

As for the Interim Government, it outwardly controls rural Aleppo and the areas liberated by the Turkish army along the border. It believes it’s the only product of the Astana agreement, only to be surprised by the fragility of its internal structure, which would fall apart without the Turkish stick holding together the military factions, which are divided between the Interim Government alliance and the National Coalition alliance. This alliance reflects an underlying conflict waiting for the moment to erupt into a devastating war between the Joint Forces and the Sham Front.

And there sits the brutal regime, entrenched in the Palace of the Immigrants as it has always been: tyranny, rule by fear, fire, corruption, and evil.

Yet despite all of this, the people whose voices cried out for the Revolution of Dignity are neither part of these factions nor do these factions represent them. They are the result of the chaos created by all our killers, all the wicked—some of the vilest beings in human history.

The Syrian people were, are, and will always be with any just national solution that preserves Syria’s land, people, and unity—not a small, insignificant entity, whether Sunni, Kurdish, or militia-led.

If we asked the Syrians in all these warring areas about their hope and goal, whether it’s to declare others infidels or to disbelieve in God and His law, they would tell you that Syria’s history is full of love and faith, and that the Levant, if not for oppression, would have been a paradise among nations. This people, who haven’t been allowed a day’s peace since the Baath Party coup, dream only of a free, dignified country where Syrians can live in safety, faith, love, and harmony.

But how can the two ravens of evil allow that? They must agree on a pretext among themselves to rally the largest number of misled supporters. That’s why they diverged in their justifications and attacked…

The Syrians are no longer blind to the truth. The enemies were in agreement among themselves, only feigning opposition in public. They kept us busy with their conflicts and excuses, but the truth is they came to kill our dreams, crush our goals, annihilate our people, and displace our loved ones.

Their aim was to prevent the Syrians from achieving their freedom. This is the reality of their conflict.

The Syrian people are not takfiris; they view all people with love and inclusivity. The Syrian people are not infidels; they believe in God in all forms of faith. And those who fought against the Syrians will face God’s justice. The God in whom the Syrians believe, to whom our innocent ones have gone, to tell Him everything.

These criminals, who differed in their justifications—between takfir and kufr—united against us, but God’s justice will ultimately unite them… in the depths of hell.

Abdul Karim Ziblatani
Scientific Office
Research and Studies Department
Independent Researchers
Syrian Future Movement (SFM)


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