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Syrian Future Movement and Political Allegiance

In political work, perceptions differ, leading to a variety of currents and parties that are right-wing, left-wing, and others. This diversity is considered enriching and beneficial for society, indicating the health of the state’s body. Keeping goals within the ‘national direction’ harmonizes these differences, making them part of a healthy and desirable diversity. The national direction is like a river fed by various political streams, enriching and renewing it.

Therefore, it is the duty of politicians and their men to preserve their state from any political allegiance for the benefit of a foreign entity.

From this standpoint, the founders of the Syrian Future Movement aim to “focus on liberating the national direction from political allegiance.”

  • The Syrian Future Movement distinguishes between cooperation based on mutual interests with non-Syrian states, groups, and entities, and allegiance to them by erasing the national identity, shifting from equal cooperation to a state of submissive dependency.
  • The Syrian Future Movement believes that every Syrian, whether as individuals or entities, has the right to have regional or even international extension and depth. Such extensions should not be considered as mere accusations of betrayal or espionage, but rather as a source of strength and a key to relationships that serve the nation and build bridges between peoples, unless proven otherwise.
  • The Syrian Future Movement believes that a free politician and genuine entities work for the benefit of their nation and people. If they shift from this mission to serve foreign interests for political reasons, it becomes a curse on themselves and their nation, constituting a major betrayal that must be rejected and held accountable under the law.
  • The Syrian Future Movement views that the Syrian political diversity (must) not deviate from serving the Syrian people and the nation’s interests. The current de facto authorities have politically mortgaged themselves to foreigners, leading to their and the nation’s loss. We are at a crucial juncture in Syria’s history, and there is still time to return to the national fold before it’s too late.
  • The Syrian Future Movement believes that the Sykes-Picot borders were not established by the will or desire of the people, but they are a reality. Moving away from them towards foreign, cross-border political projects is a factor of further disintegration, which we reject.
  • The Syrian Future Movement believes that achieving any noble international goal does not mean destroying the nation or mortgaging it to foreigners. Success for all requires the success of each part, hence liberating the national direction is essential and necessary even for international movements.
  • The Syrian Future Movement believes that political allegiance can be internal, not just external, and is equally dangerous. Internal allegiance fragments the people, making some enemies of others, dividing them into hostile political projects or alliances of defeated minorities or illusory majorities, thus harming both the nation and its citizens.
  • The Syrian Future Movement seeks to strengthen, fortify, and protect the national direction from collapse, working with all patriots to elevate it. It does not fear any political orientation as long as it preserves the national direction.
  • The Syrian Future Movement extends its hand to all different Syrian individuals and entities concerned with the public interest, aiming to enhance the authenticity of the national direction and liberate it from any internal or external political allegiance.
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