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“Tawad School – Afrin Branch: A Journey of Progress and Success”

The art workshops have completed the construction and equipping of the second branch of “Tawad Schools” in Northern Syria at the beginning of the academic year, in October 2023. The school building consists of three separate blocks according to age groups. It includes administration offices, classrooms equipped with desks and necessary furniture to facilitate the educational process and deliver knowledge to our sons and daughters. The educational complex also includes a mosque, a recreational area for play and various activities.

The school prioritizes enrolling orphans and those who have dropped out of school and has begun its compensatory program, which has seen significant demand, especially as the school is established amidst camps in an area where educational facilities are scarce. This led to the construction and equipping of the school in that region.

Additionally, an initiative was launched in collaboration with the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Aleppo in the liberated areas, to diagnose and treat the dental needs of students of the “Tawad” school and their families in the “Taiba Gathering” in Afrin and its surroundings. The children and their families were transported to specialized medical clinics for necessary treatments, including endodontic treatment, extraction of temporary teeth, and other minor procedures. This was done after prior examinations and consultations at the “Tawad” school premises in Afrin.

It is noted that the organization behind this initiative is a strong supporter and advocate of education and knowledge, adhering to the principle that proper and healthy human development starts from the school bench, contributing to the future construction of a conscious and balanced society that rejects violence and war and advocates for peace and love.

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