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The meeting that brought together the President of the Syrian Future Movement and the Directors of the SFM Volunteer Team inside the country

At the conclusion of his tour in the liberated areas of Northern Syria, the President of the Syrian Future Movement, Dr. Zaher Baadrani, met with the directors of the Syrian Future Movement’s volunteer team, comprising of male and female university students from various disciplines, at the headquarters and office of the Syrian Future Movement in the city of A’azaz, Northern Syria. The meeting involved discussions about the obstacles encountered in their work and ways to overcome them, the successes achieved during the previous phase, particularly in launching free academic support courses, and plans for building on these successes and continuing these efforts.

On his part, the President of the Syrian Future Movement, Dr. Zaher Baadarani, expressed his gratitude to the team for their commitment and dedication. He presented them with certificates of appreciation, acknowledging their positive contributions, and pledged to continue moving forward in serving our religion, our homeland, and our people to the best of our abilities.

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