Dr. Zaher BaadaraniMedia OfficePresidency officepresident SFMSFutureM PodcastVideos

Podcast of SFM (2): Why was the Syrian Future Movement established?

Amidst the momentum of military confrontations between Assad’s regime and the rebels, especially in the first two years, when the confrontations were limited to them, meaning there were no foreign (global or regional) states involved in the battles.
We found it necessary to build an organizational structure that unites civilians (non-combatants) and directs them to create a beneficial synergy between civilian and military activities, aiming to achieve the primary goal of the revolution in overthrowing the Syrian regime, aware that our struggle would be prolonged and that wars, however extended would ultimately lead to a series of political solutions.
And we aspire for the (SFM) to be a key player in these solutions.

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