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Congratulations from The Syrian Justice and Development to the Syrian Future Movement

“Congratulations Telegram”

The Syrian Justice and Development Party extends its heartfelt congratulations to the brothers in the Syrian Future Movement on the occasion of the eleventh anniversary of the movement’s establishment.
Our party appreciates and values the educational and relief efforts undertaken by the Future Movement and its president in the liberated northern Syria and blesses these efforts.
We salute those in charge and call upon them to do everything they can to enhance the resilience of our people on the path to liberating our beloved country, Syria, from the occupiers, the Al-Assad gangs and their Russian and Iranian protectors.

The Syrian Justice and Development Party invites the brothers in the Syrian Future Movement and its respected president, Dr. Zaher Baadarani, to further diligent work in strengthening Syrian national unity and establishing a broad national front that works towards achieving the primary mission of liberating our country.

We are pleased that our good bilateral relations develop into a model of fruitful cooperation among all the honorable patriots of our Syrian people.
May God bless you, guide your steps, and grant you success in what He loves and approves.

Istanbul, 14/11/2023
Syrian Justice and Development Party.

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