Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

Syrian Future Movement (SFM) and Pluralism

Syria has suffered from a chronic disease over the decades, manifested in the imposition of the leading party’s policy on the state and society.
The notion of it being the sole leader of the state is a disaster, but the real catastrophe lies in it being the only leader of society!!
A party with a unilateral culture, not open to division or political diversity.
Then, from the complications of this illness and its outcomes came backwardness, tyranny, and corruption, which weakened and fragmented the national front.
Interestingly, this illness is no longer confined to the single-party system and its affiliates. It seems to have spread to become a Syrian way of thinking, engulfing the entire Syrian mentality, almost becoming a societal creed rather than a passing epidemic!

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) sees the solution in working to change this particular mindset, which has become ingrained in the Syrian structure. This is necessary for reforming our current reality and safeguarding our future. “The founders believe that change and reform are intertwined objectives for the advancement of all national matters, and that this can only be achieved not by a single party, group, movement, organization, or council, but by the collective national forces through cooperation, integration, parity, and honorable competition, without exclusion, marginalization, superiority, dominance, or intellectual, material, or moral coercion.

The SFM believes in the state of pluralism, a product of Syrian society over the ages, the essence of its social experiences, the evolution of its human behavior, the maturation of its civilizational change, and a stream contributing to its healthy progress. It acknowledges the sharp divergence in different positions and ideas, but this remains alien to the Syrian fabric. In the exclusionary approach, there is no real victor, and the loss is shared.

The SFM believes in the necessity of making more efforts to carve channels in today’s dry soil of the homeland and draw a network among its people, so all can enjoy its bounties, benefit from its experiences, and utilize its energies, if we properly connect them, aiming for the benefit of the nation and its citizens.

The SFM believes in the duty to respect diversity in all its forms, rejecting the unilateral thinking that refuses variation and difference, and opposes painting everyone with the same brush!

The SFM considers the state of diversity and pluralism as an indicator of cultural richness and a civilizational root of the Syrian people. It is not a rigid mold as some portray it, but a state of

continuous renewal, representing authenticity, modernity, and future vision simultaneously.

The SFM sees that the unilateral mentality and the rejection of diversity and difference have created the current zero-state of national relations among Syrians.
This stems from each party’s claim to monopolize the truth, using the nation’s resources and power mechanisms at their disposal, leading Syria into a seemingly endless conflict.

The SFM believes that agreeing on specific goals to start from could serve as a national rhythm controller, capable of uniting their differences and harmonizing their discord, leading to a dialogue table, not a battleground. A roundtable that includes everyone without exclusion, unites the Syrian diaspora without delegation, rejects the detestable approach of treachery accusations, and forms a true national alignment towards a domestic Syrian solution based on the principle of no victor or vanquished, with the nation emerging as the sole winner.

The SFM asserts that there is no alternative to the cooperation of all national forces.
The continuation of unilateralism and individualism means the persistence and continuation of the Assad regime, the downfall of all, and forever. Herein lies the danger of the Syrian political situation in its essence! As the saying goes: “We neither crossed the land nor spared the back.

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