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11 Years Since the Birth of the Syrian Future Movement

Syria, under the rule of both the father and son Assad, experienced a period of unparalleled political and civil stagnation. During this time, the Syrian regime monopolized the fermentation and concoction of all political streams and parties within what’s known as the ‘Progressive National Front.’ These were to be manufactured in the branches of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party and cooked in the kitchens of the ‘National Leadership,’ under the direct supervision of the ‘chef’ – the five principal security apparatuses!
Thus, we can say that any civil or political activities were nothing more than mere farcical representations. Due to such restrictive policies and the idea of a single-party dominance with a sole leader for the people and nation, the popular reservoir exploded into a distinctly Syrian revolution. Led by sons of the nation, driven by oppression and tightening, it was a popular movement and a mass effervescence. Had it occurred under different circumstances or in a free environment that believes in the mobilization of national cadres to generate political or civil entities, its birth would have been a hoped-for national celebration, not the million-person funeral that occurred and continues to this day.
Perhaps, under different circumstances, it would have resulted in the birth of movements representing a ‘real national front’ that embodies the active components of the Syrian people, active from within it and with it.
Yes, the Syrian Revolution arose, and the elites sought a real and effective place in the complex Syrian arena. We saw (ourselves), among others, that the opportunity was ripe to be with others in this vast field, within effective and influential currents. Forces that believe the era of the leading party and the inspiring leader has passed and ended under the feet of the free and rebellious Syrian people. The time has come to create a state of national political competition, towards achieving complementarity among us, cooperation, to make the new reality and the complexities of the scene fertile ground for carving and shaping our currents, in a situation that remains positive to this day, despite the overall bleak picture.
The chaos in the Syrian arena was expected for us and cast its shadow on entities, parties, and groups that soon fell in the real march, leaving only the steadfast. Only those adept at managing reality and dancing with circumstances will remain, ‘As for the foam, it vanishes into oblivion, but what benefits the people remains on the earth.’ Thus, the Syrian Future Movement was born in 2012, from the womb of the Syrian Revolution, growing and maturing (11 years) to this day, still in the phase of natural growth. It is a child of the land, striving to pierce through the harsh conditions with its steadfastness, and a child of the future, working to tread its path with deliberation, wisdom, and insight.
The idea began with the project of establishing the ‘National Change Movement,’ where I, ‘Zaher Badran,’ and a select circle of national figures, including the late ‘Wahid Saqr,’ friend ‘Ammar al-Qurabi,’ ‘Al-Sanqar family,’ and others, were its founders and the preparers of its initial papers, and more than that which is not appropriate to mention here.

For objective and political reasons, and as a step I describe as strategic and crucially necessary, I initially withdrew from the ‘National Change Movement,’ in an atmosphere of respect and equality. I then immediately called for two meetings with two teams. The first included those who formed the upper echelons of relationships in my life journey, acquaintances, and extensions. All of them were Syrians, including politicians, military figures, and thinkers who defected from the Assad regime after the Syrian Revolution in 2011, some even before that, and others who have lived most of their lives in foreign lands and still do (whom I call the shadow men in the Syrian Future Movement to this day). The second team, in public: also distributed among employees and cadres, openly identified, and other Syrian figures (whom we are proud of) who chose to be openly with us, where their ideas and vision for the future met with the carefully studied and prepared project we presented to them. Thus was born the ‘Syrian Future Movement’.”
The Launch:
The foundational work continued for about six months or more, during which the objectives and determinants were deeply and intensively studied. This was accompanied by a tide of intellectual ebb and flow, leading to the launch of our vessel and the setting of our sails towards the general principles of the ‘Syrian Future Movement,’ with the embedding of flexibility at the core of the framework and structure. This was to keep pace with the developments of events and to match the stormy regional and international changes alike, while maintaining the ceiling of demands of our country’s revolutionaries, and the goals of the Syrian Revolution. On that day, there was a consensus for various reasons to appoint ‘Zaher Ihsan Badrani’ as the President of the ‘Syrian Future Movement,’ without voting or election. He still holds this position, which he considers a national responsibility and a public trust, to achieve the significant and desired objectives and goals from us (each from their position).
I note here that the 13th of November, 2012, was the day of the official registration of the ‘Syrian Future Movement,’ first formally in my second country (of which I am a citizen), ‘the United States of America,’ at several important and influential ministries. This was at precisely 3:45:18 PM, thereby becoming a national date for the cadres of the ‘Syrian Future Movement’ both inside and outside the country (awaiting its great registration in our motherland Syria, once all the goals of the Syrian Revolution are achieved). Thus, the ‘Syrian Future Movement’ becomes one of the first streams and parties in Syria to be established after the start of the Syrian Revolution, signaling the departure of the Assad regime and all its pillars, and thereafter followed the clamor of establishing Syrian parties, streams, and associations, which have painted and continue to paint the picture of free Syria, beautiful in all its components. The living Syrian people are an active, influential, and renewing populace. We see in the parties and movements a healthy, sound, and realistic channel, where permanence is for those whose feet are rooted, whose words are true, whose ambitions are high, whose service is evident on the ground, and whose fame and name are well-known among the people, {and in that let the competitors compete}.
The Intellectual and Political Path:
There is no doubt that the founders of the ‘Syrian Future Movement’ consider that the Syrian arena is broad enough for all influential actors. Among them are those who have chosen the civil, political, and intellectual path, without the military! After much effort, learning, experience, and trial, we have found our direction. The mapping of the ‘Syrian Future Movement’s path lies in three routes:”
“The First Aspect: The State
The Syrian Future Movement believes that the root of Syria’s problem yesterday and today, and the core of its solution, lies in ‘the State.’ The weakening of the State’s influence and stature to the advantage of the Assad family’s encroachment is a direct cause of the popular revolution against him, his regime, and his father’s rule! The continued absence of the State during the war is the reason for the State’s failure to find a solution (any solution), and there’s no doubt that a security solution is not a solution (but a path to no solution)! Therefore, according to our vision, the solution is through establishing ‘the State’ – a national state that all Syrians see as befitting them, where all citizens are equal in rights and duties.
Thus, our path is directed towards a lofty goal of liberating ‘the State’ first from all sectarian, tribal, guardianship, and external occupations, under any name. And ‘the State’ must be a source of realistic and sustainable solutions, therefore, it cannot be military or sectarian in nature – it is a civil state, where the president is an employee responsible to the people through an elected parliament, without sanctity, superiority, despotism, or bullying! Thus, the state (we say this figuratively) in its current condition is a burden weighing down on the Syrians, and there’s no alternative to establishing a modern state that benefits from the experiences of advanced and developed countries in structure, organization, planning, and administration.
Our vision is that the state, through its three authorities (executive, legislative, judicial), must be accepted by the Syrian people, without sectarian, political, or authoritarian guardianship. The people alone bear the responsibility of choosing their authorities, they alone have the right to change them, and they alone shoulder the responsibility of upholding the pillars of ‘the State’ and protecting it from any domestic tyrant or usurper, or foreign occupier.
Finally, regarding the State, it should have no religion, no guiding ideology, no distinguishing color; it is a moral entity for all Syrians, not for one component or individual over another. Hence, all Syrians, with their various religions, ethnicities, languages, and differences, are (children) of that State (Mother), equal without discrimination.
In our view, the Syrian solution, leading to independent decision-making and achieving stability, lies in reviving the concept of the State and correcting its course.
The Second Path: Political and Civil Interaction.
In the Syrian Future Movement, we believe that the era of the leading party has ended, and that the proliferation of parties and movements, however numerous, is a healthy factor. Reality will refine and sift them, and thus, we believe in the necessity of pluralism – one current cannot bear the entire nation’s concerns!
Therefore, the Syrian Future Movement, born from the womb of the Syrian people’s revolution, remains to this day one of its righteous children, leading to a national convergence point, through a round table, proposing a project of a national reconciliation document, with the participation of multiple national political forces, to achieve civil peace and security, for the rise of Syria from the ruins of war.
In the Syrian Future Movement, we believe that change and reform can only be achieved through the combined efforts of all Syrians, with their diverse orientations and movements, and that building a society of justice and equality can only be achieved through the consensus of national forces around it.”
“The Third Path: Popular Engagement
Among our foremost duties as Syrian elites is to prepare the good and reformative citizen, through moral values, religious guidance, and societal norms. Thus, we have established ‘Tawad’ schools in the Syrian interior, focusing on nurturing a new, conscious, and distinguished generation. Our focus is on the orphans and those who have dropped out of school due to war, displacement, earthquakes, and other reasons. We work to create employment opportunities for youth to move away from the phenomenon of sustained relief and its associated negatives, which are evident to observers and followers.
On the other hand, we believe that empowering the individual Syrian citizen can be achieved through:

  1. Supporting Syrian women by highlighting their exemplary and model personalities, activating their positive and national contributions through participation in building the civil, democratic Syrian State, and empowering them to obtain their rights by establishing the principle of equality in rights and duties.
  2. Supporting youth, who are the present and future of Syria, by providing proper and accessible education for them, securing real job opportunities, facilitating their marriages and providing what is necessary for that, in addition to holding conferences and meetings that unite their visions and goals.
  3. Caring for Syrian children, who are the future and backbone of Syria, by securing educational opportunities for them, attracting those who have dropped out of school, rejecting their involvement in violence and wars, and providing them with psychological, physical, intellectual, and national care.
    Efforts of the Syrian Future Movement Inside and Outside:
    The efforts of the Syrian Future Movement revolve around several axes, including:
    The Coordination Axis: Linking the work inside with the Syrian diaspora, through authentic Syrian national interaction. Therefore, we have established our deep connection to our real roots in the Syrian interior by setting up two primary headquarters for the ‘Syrian Future Movement’ in ‘A’zaz’ and ‘Afrin.’ We strive earnestly to establish a headquarters every year in a Syrian city, hoping that our headquarters will cover the entire Syrian territory.
    The Political Axis: Conducting regular political and non-political, Arab, regional, and international meetings, where we contribute our efforts in seeking a real Syrian solution, as part of the efforts of all Syrians. We affirm that the ‘Syrian Future Movement’ has enjoyed unparalleled respect and appreciation at various decision-making centers around the world since its establishment to this day. We strive to develop communication and interaction to the extent that enables us to serve our national project, strategic goals, and assist our people in reaching a permanent and real solution.”
    “The Religious Axis: In the Syrian Future Movement, we focused on the moderate spiritual and religious aspects, which we consider to be a realistic and healthy solution for a society where the majority adheres to a religion or holds religions in high regard due to the environment and reality. Therefore, in the Syrian Future Movement, we combat calls for extremism and licentiousness through two axes:
  4. The moderate and open Sunni Islamic axis, representing the majority religion of the liberated areas where we have established our centers in the Syrian interior.
  5. The comprehensive religious axis, through cooperation and integration with various religious leaders, intellectuals, and free thinkers from all religions, sects, and denominations.
    The Scientific Axis: For this purpose, we established the Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement and its Research and Studies Department. We have enlisted a number of Syrian researchers and thinkers, aiming to plant the seed of a large, comprehensive Syrian national research center. Its mission is to expand the vision of decision-makers, both Syrian and others. We aim to expand the work of the Scientific Office to include a variety of intellectual meetings and theoretical dialogues pertinent to the Syrian arena, as any movement without realistic theorization is bound to fail.
    The Goals:
    Undoubtedly, at the top of our priorities in the Syrian Future Movement is the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad’s regime and all its pillars, and moving towards building a free and dignified Syria within a Syrian political solution that excludes Assad. This includes creating a healthy environment for Syrians to return to their country and contributing to the reconstruction of people and structures.
    One of our primary goals is to instill national, democratic, and moderate non-extremist religious values, preparing good citizens who are beneficial to their country and people.
    Our goal is to lead in the Syrian civil and political work, aspiring for real and effective participation in the future legitimate Syrian authority, without equivocation, hypocrisy, or hidden agendas. We bear the responsibility along with our compatriots towards the ladder of leadership and pioneering.
    Our goal is to find with you a Syria we can be proud of, a Syria free from external dictates or malicious guardianships. Hence, we adopted the approach of complete economic independence, refusing any conditional or unconditional external funding or support, believing that independence is freedom, and freedom is not achieved without self-reliance, imposing our respect (through our self-sufficiency) on others.
    Finally, at the top of our priorities is creating a true national environment supportive of dialogue among Syrians of all their currents, affiliations, orientations, and components.
    A Syrian national dialogue that is equal and serves the interests of the nation and the citizen.”
    Since our liberation from the rule of despotism, the leading party, the oppressive authority, and the security policy, we, like all Syrians, have embarked on our new experience to outline the following determinants:
  6. Despite our political relations in Syria and our participation in the authority in one way or another, and our connections with influential and ruling figures, we consider Syria after 2011 as a hall of experience and experimentation from which we learn and through which we both benefit and contribute, without claiming illusory perfection, and without pretense of having an inspiring leader in political practice. Instead, we interact with a spirit of collaboration, cohesion, and equality, without rivalry or conflict, forming our political platforms that we were deprived of during the reign of both Assad, the father and the son.
  7. We are a Syrian movement among multiple and diverse Syrian movements; we are not a movement for all Syrians, nor are we seeking a leading party, nor do we dream of being a leading movement. Rather, we are a movement among Syrian movements, collectively carrying the burden with a spirit of national equality.
  8. We have learned from past experiences that any political movement wanting to work effectively must be connected to the land, the people, and the interior of Syria, and that the interior of Syria should not disregard the Syrian diaspora. Instead, there should be integration and cooperation between them. Thus, the Syrian Future Movement can be considered one of the movements that interact between the interior and the diaspora.

Finally, we, the sons of the land, its plants and its growth, call on all Syrians who believe that no matter how bad the reality is, it can only be changed by the hands of the nation’s children. These hands that build the present and the future, and our door is open to every Syrian who shares our vision to join our path, and our hand is extended to every Syrian current and entity with whom we share a realistic construction or a future perspective.

This is our vision, this is our path, and this is our way, we are the “Syrian Future Movement.”

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