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Statement on the Ongoing Assault on the Syrian People in Turkey

The Syrians were shocked yesterday by a report from Gaziantep province in Turkey, where a Syrian child (A. Z.) was physically assaulted (tortured) by a group of Turks following a dispute over a football game between the Syrian child and some Turkish children. Consequently, a group of individuals from the Turkish children’s families took the Syrian child to a remote area and tortured him with various sadistic methods, later leaving him on the roadside.

The Syrian child is now in a Turkish government hospital, still under medical observation, having lost the ability to speak or communicate with his surroundings, amid severe neurological seizures.

The Syrian Future Movement condemns this brutal criminal act that is contrary to religion, custom, or morality, and it directly tarnishes the reputation and stature of the noble Turkish people.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on Syrians, both institutions and individuals, to stand with the Syrian child and his family in this ordeal they have faced.

The Syrian Future Movement urges Syrian human rights activists to file a legal case with the Turkish courts in this regard and to follow it up until it becomes a cause for ending the discord and preventing similar incidents in the future.

The Syrian Future Movement demands that the Turkish authorities strike with an iron fist against all assaults that target oppressed and refugee Syrians and others, considering it their duty, as they are the rightful refuge for those who have fled injustice in their country and sought asylum.

The Syrian Future Movement holds the Turkish media responsible for spreading racist discourse against Syrians, which undermines and damages the deep historical and strategic relationship between the two countries and peoples.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity for Syrians to defend themselves in a civilized, legal, and humane manner before the Turkish and international courts.

The Syrian Future Movement is based on international human rights law to demand respect for the Syrian people, protecting them from all hostile discourse or direction.

The Syrian Future Movement demands the (right of the Syrian refugee) to international protection by the international community to stop violations and prevent them, and to combat racist discourse and its negative effects that threaten the security and safety of the Syrian people.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on the United Nations to enact a special law to prevent anti-Syrian sentiment, similar to the law against anti-Semitism!

The Syrian Future Movement awaits a solid and serious stance from both the Turkish authorities and the Turkish people, to preserve Turkey’s humanitarian reputation on the one hand, and to protect the Syrian people on their territory on the other hand.

The Syrian Future Movement thanks all Turkish activists who stood and continue to stand with the plight of the Syrian people, rejecting such violations. We at the Syrian Future Movement believe that we stand united against injustice and human rights violations.

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