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Generation Z

Generation Z, commonly referred to as “Gen Z,” typically represents the youth born from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s, approximately between 1995 and 2010. This generation is also known as “Gen Z” in relation to the letter “Z,” symbolizing the new millennium. Gen Z is considered the first generation to grow up in the era of digital technology, advanced communication, the internet revolution, and social networks, endowing them with unique characteristics and interests that distinguish them from previous generations. They are the generation of modern technology, communication means, and the vanguards of engaging with smartphones and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, and others. They are mostly characterized by their aspirations for change and development, aligning with their advanced vision of technology, innovative ideas, and creative solutions.

Therefore, Gen Z holds its own values, perspectives, and attitudes, usually being educated and aware of global issues, possessing a high ability to use and adopt technology, and expressing themselves individually and innovatively. They also exhibit a spirit of initiative and impact on society through social and public activities.

It should be noted that these considerations for Gen Z may vary from person to person and from one environment to another, meaning that members of Gen Z may align with the general description or differ from it!

Arab Spring and Generation Z:
Gen Z witnessed the events of the Arab Spring and political activity in a connected and intertwined world through social media and the internet. Their interaction with the Arab Spring and political activities was influenced by several factors, including the cultural, educational, and social background of each individual. However, generally, Gen Z is considered more politically and socially active than previous generations, due to their easy access to information and analysis, and rapid communication with others via the open space (internet) and various social media platforms.

Many young people from Gen Z possess the ability to openly express their opinions, engage in political dialogues, and participate in activities on a broad scale. For instance, regarding the Arab Spring revolutions, Gen Z had a significant and direct impact. They were witnesses, soldiers, and agents of radical change and influence in several Arab countries. Many of them broke the silence to firmly and resolutely express their stance on the streets and squares, demanding change, and participating in shaping the political struggle scene to achieve democracy and fundamental freedoms.
However, it must be noted that the response to the Arab Spring revolutions and political activity varied among individuals in Gen Z. Some felt confused or anxious about the political events and social changes happening around them, while others felt enthusiastic and optimistic about the opportunities for change brought by the Arab Spring. Generally, dealing with the Arab Spring and political activity in Gen Z depended on awareness, participation in public dialogue, seeking reliable sources, and working towards positive change in their communities, and they had a clear and proven impact.

Downsides of Gen Z:
Technology is central to Gen Z, making it one of their main sources of knowledge. This means they often focus on surface-level issues without in-depth analysis, making them susceptible to manipulation of their ideas, and influence over their decisions and choices if dark or oppressive forces dominate technology. This influence has, to some extent, diverted their thought processes, scattered their focus away from goals and purposes, and possibly diluted or even killed their demands.

In the Syrian context, the influence of Gen Z is evident in the populist discourse that closely aligns with the spirit of the general populace, especially the simple folk. However, they quickly confront the harsh realities and repercussions of the Syrian situation, and the tragedies of making decisive and firm stances amidst the unfolding events.

In areas controlled by the Syrian regime, thought is continuously besieged by the domination of security and intelligence forces! Social media hesitantly and fearfully reveals some of Assad’s regime’s transgressions, generating a silent fear in the subconscious of Gen Z in the country. In areas controlled by “SDF,” as well as the Salvation Government and the Interim Government, they all share the dilemma of protesting the reality of war to avoid taking any responsibility!!
This is followed by areas of displacement outside Syria, which are also a pressing factor due to the tragic circumstances that overwhelm them, preventing them from keeping up with events and making changes.

An Indifferent Future:
With all the above, we find an entire generation in a state of non-adaptation and non-compliance with a complex and difficult reality, which has led them to disengage from the issues of the revolution and the homeland, focusing instead on issues that do not carry a cost or burden, such as supporting the people of Gaza, for example.

It can be said that nine out of ten individuals from Gen Z have images of Palestine on their smartphones after the October 7 incident, with a clear absence of the Syrian revolutionary flag, for example. Individuals feel the need to belong to a less complicated cause that does not require depth for understanding, as is the case with the current Syrian situation, with its complexities, entanglements, and key figures.
It cannot be said that Generation Z is superficial in general. The new generation, also known as the Millennial Generation, may bring challenges and a vision different from previous generations. It would be unfair to categorically label them as superficial without a detailed understanding of the reasons or an accurate evaluation of the causes.

Similar characteristics in the new generation, such as a preference for intensive use of technology and social networking, might lead to them being perceived as superficial. However, it is essential to consider that these traits reflect a technological and social evolution in society, which we experience in our reality today in one way or another, as is the case with hacker groups, who occasionally breach the official sites of some Arab regimes that have experienced prolonged autumns to this day.

It is noticeable that many individuals in the Millennial Generation show great interest in social, environmental issues, art, and culture, indicating the diversity and richness of this generation. Therefore, general stereotypes and classifications should not be used to describe all individuals of this generation.

From a psychological perspective, Generation Z possesses unique characteristics and traits that distinguish it from previous generations, including:

  1. Facing smartphone technology and social media from a young age, they have a significant reliance on these means for communication and social interaction, and a deep understanding of digitalization technologies, making their psyche unpredictable.
  2. Gen Z tends to seek different and diverse experiences and leans towards sustainable consumption. They resort to online shopping, are interested in offers and comparisons, and aim to make the most of their money.
  3. Gen Z strives for a balance between work and personal life, making them more concerned about the quality of life, enjoying leisure time, and social interaction, rather than complete devotion to work.
  4. Gen Z is known for accepting diversity and tolerance. They consider differences and diversity natural and believe in the importance of peaceful coexistence and human rights.

Therefore, it is crucial to listen carefully to what Generation Z says and pay attention to the quality of the discourse directed to and influencing them. Understanding the use of media and technology, among other things, can be a means to convey a deep, non-superficial image. Generation Z is considered the most free of all generations in choosing and changing their convictions without regard for external pressures.

It is also essential to note the nature of tolerance that this generation holds and to benefit from it in creating a future vision for Syrian coexistence after the sectarian vengeance left by Assad’s policies, Iran’s sectarian interventions, jihadist extremism, and others.

Finally, more attention must be paid to Generation Z and involve them in national responsibility from A to Z to create the Syrian future we strive for and work towards.

Family Office
Elias Abdul Masih
Syrian Future Movement

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