Media OfficeNews

Thursday News Summary 21/03/24.

(SFM) News:

  • The Presidential Office of the Syrian Future Movement issued congratulations on the occasion of Mother’s Day.
  • The Religious Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a program titled: “Verse and Purpose (11)” with the episode title: “Recognition.”
  • The Political Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “About the Early Recovery Fund in Damascus!”
  • The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a paper titled: “The Syrian Future Movement and International and External Relations (1).”
  • The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue their program of teaching free basic education courses to their students in their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

  • “SDF” kills a young man under torture in its prisons after 3 years of detention.
  • Due to the rain, about 40 tents for displaced people were flooded in Idlib.
  • Celebrations of Nowruz in northern Aleppo… Police secure the celebrations and Civil Defense congratulates.
  • The people of Nimra Shibba town in Suwayda contribute to the establishment of a bakery and provide a golden electricity line.
  • The Syrian regime dismisses a teacher for participating in the Suwayda movement.
  • “Satisfaction for those released on charges of collaboration”… Al-Julani makes changes in the military wing.
  • Gruesome crime in Latakia… Family kills their sick son to get rid of his care.
  • Removal of stalls in the countryside of Damascus and changing the name of “kiosks” to “sales outlets.”
  • The National Army arrests an element of “SDF” based on intelligence information.
  • “Syrian Network” urges Switzerland to prosecute Rifaat al-Assad while he is alive.
  • Suicide of a young man in the city of Afrin in northern Aleppo.
  • In preparation for recognizing certificates… Agreement signed between the Free Aleppo University and the Italian University of Teramo.
  • Killing a child in the countryside of Aleppo by gunfire from areas controlled by “SDF” and the Syrian regime.
  • Execution of 4 young men by the Syrian regime’s intelligence forces in Daraa.
  • Bashar al-Assad merges military and air intelligence into one security apparatus.
  • Including combating terrorism and drugs… Security memorandum between Iraq and the Syrian regime.
  • Israeli force infiltrates Quneitra and arrests a Syrian before throwing his body near the border strip.
  • The Ministry of Defense of “Temporary Syria” threatens non-affiliated factions under its umbrella with prosecution.
  • Bashar al-Assad merges military and air intelligence into one security apparatus.

Related News:

  • Germany refutes claims of finding secret communication channels with the Syrian regime.
  • After its director’s meeting with Assad… “Atomic Energy” activates the investigation track regarding the location of the nuclear reactor.
  • Spain and Canada seek to evacuate their nationals from “SDF” prisons and camps.
  • Irish forces withdraw from conflict resolution areas between Syria and Israel.
  • The Times: The return of the Syrian regime to Interpol is a major cause for concern.

International News:

  • The United States imposes sanctions on Iran’s missile, defense, and nuclear programs.
  • Shoukry and Blinken discuss efforts to reach a ceasefire in Gaza “as soon as possible.”
  • Germany refutes claims of finding secret communication channels with the Syrian regime.
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