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Wednesday News Summary 20/03/24.

(SFM) News:

The Presidential Office of the Syrian Future Movement issued congratulations on the occasion of Nowruz.

The Religious Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a program titled: “Ayah wa Ghayah (10)” with the episode title: “Dispute”.

The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement issued a paper titled: “The Syrian Future Movement and the Holidays”.

The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue their program to teach free basic education courses to their students in their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Floods put Semalka border crossing between northern Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan out of service.

“With the words ‘You raised a generation of armed forces’… Bashar al-Assad congratulates teachers on their day.

After the “collaborator crisis” … the General Security apparatus is incorporated into the staff of the “Rescue Government” under a new name.

Trees uprooted … A tornado hits a village in Tartus province.

Bodies of two members of the “Revolutionary Guard” militia found in Deir ez-Zor.

Driver and two police officers injured in an explosion in Ra’i, east of Aleppo.

“Close to a senior official” … 9 doctors arrested on charges of attempted murder in Aleppo.

Syrian regime media: The Arab Communications Committee will hold its second meeting in Baghdad next May.

The Syrian Negotiation Commission expresses its desire to hold the Constitutional Committee meeting in Riyadh.

Russia trains Syrian regime forces on drones and anti-aircraft guns.

Syrian regime parliament approves amendments to the law regulating the employment of foreign domestic workers.

Hasakah residents without electricity since the beginning of Ramadan.

Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency visits Syria and meets Bashar al-Assad.

Ja’afari presents his credentials as non-resident ambassador to Kazakhstan to the Syrian regime president.

The European Union discusses developments in Syria with Pedersen and renews its support for a political solution.

The theft of Amrass raises tensions with a value of 8 billion Syrian pounds.

Related News:
Bashar al-Assad mediates negotiations between Hezbollah and the Emirates for the release of Lebanese prisoners.

British journalist John Simpson: Iraq sent weapons of mass destruction to Syria.

International News:
Prison sentences for a mother and daughter in Britain for supporting the Islamic State.

European proposal to use 90% of frozen Russian assets’ returns to buy weapons for Ukraine.

One of Donald Trump’s advisors sentenced to 4 months in a Miami prison.

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