Media Officepress releases / Statements of Media Office

About the assassination of the son of Afrin city, “Ahmed Khaled Ma’amo Mado”.

We were shocked by the news of the killing of the young Syrian Kurd, “Ahmed Khaled Ma’amo Mado,” last Wednesday, by a criminal displaced from Sinjar to Afrin, who did not show gratitude to those who welcomed and honored him!

The Syrian Future Movement condemns this serious crime, which primarily affects civil and national peace. We call for it to be considered a high-level national issue, signaling an ominous sign that could exceed the criminal issue itself.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for the murderer to be tried promptly, fairly, and publicly, and for everyone involved in the crime through all forms of participation to be investigated.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for the imposition of the severest criminal and religious penalties on the criminal murderer.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on the civil forces and entities in Afrin to share in the tragedy of the victim’s family and support them in all forms, including the payment of blood money.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for handling this issue in a manner that ensures national peace and prevents discord among Syrians, Arabs, and Kurds.

The Syrian Future Movement condemns anyone who exploits this incident to destabilize the national spirit among Syrians.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the importance of coexistence among all Syrians and addressing all issues that threaten this coexistence and harm it.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for the adoption of resolutions that preserve the civil and national rights of Kurds in Afrin and other Syrian areas, and to work on bridging the gap caused by the conflict between military factions in the east and west of the Euphrates.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for a national campaign that provides real guarantees for Syrian Kurds in Afrin and other Syrian areas, especially those that have experienced a bloody military conflict, which has damaged their properties, including houses, lands, etc., and ensures their safe return to their areas at any time they deem fit.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for opening the file of properties confiscated from Syrian Kurds through a transparent national committee.

The Syrian Future Movement proposes naming the martyr Ma’amo as “Rose of Afrin” in memory of this painful incident, which should open up hidden issues that sow discord and hatred between Arabs and Kurds (to address them).

The Syrian Future Movement offers its condolences to our Syrian people first, and specifically to our Kurdish people second, and to the family of “Rose of Afrin,” especially his parents.

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