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News for Friday, March 8, 2024:

(SFM) News:

The Presidency Office of the Syrian Future Movement issued a statement regarding the decision to deport Jumaa Mohammed Lheeb from Lebanon.

The Democratic Left Party issues a statement expressing solidarity with the statement of the Syrian Future Movement to prevent the deportation of Jumaa Mohammed Lheeb from Lebanon.

The Democratic Syria Building Party issues a statement expressing solidarity with the statement of the Syrian Future Movement to prevent the deportation of Jumaa Mohammed Lheeb from Lebanon.

Domestic News:

The Syrian Negotiation Commission: There is no solution in Syria except by implementing Resolution 2254.

Renewed protests in northwest Syria demand the overthrow of al-Julani and Assad.

“The Three Regions Document”: A national initiative to unify the goal in southern and northern Syria.

“The Coalition”: Iranian militias committed a massacre against 40 students of Al-Kamaa in Deir ez-Zor.

7 regime forces killed in clashes with ISIS in eastern Hama.

Russian airstrikes and regime artillery shelling in Idlib countryside.

Sniper capture and casualties: 3 fronts of clashes between the National Army and “SDF” during the day.

Leader of “Military Security” and his companions injured in an explosion in Daraa.

“Kurdish National” atop the list: “SDF” threatens to close unlicensed party offices.

Casualties and injuries to “SDF” during an attempted infiltration into Azaz, north of Aleppo.

After 6 months of detention, “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” clears Abu Maria al-Qahtani and releases him.

Related News:

Vidan: Committed to fighting terrorism in Syria, Washington urged to cut ties with PKK.

Physicians for Human Rights demand accountability for attacks on healthcare in Syria.

The United States calls for an end to attacks on the Kurdish National Council in northern Syria.

The United Nations: A massive increase in the needs of Syrian refugees and host communities.

US official: Coincidence spared the remaining US soldiers from death in Syria and Iraq.

The Arab League rejects foreign intervention in Syria and condemns Israel’s practices in the Golan Heights.

International News:

“World Food Program” seeks to launch emergency aid program.

The European Commission expects the opening of a maritime corridor from Cyprus to Gaza early next week.

Representatives of 28 countries meet in Paris to support Ukraine, and the Kremlin warns of the fate of Napoleon’s army.

The French Interior Minister issues instructions to ensure the security of mosques during Ramadan.

Sweden officially becomes the 32nd member of NATO.

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