Media OfficeNews

Wednesday News Summary 06/03/24.

Political News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published memories of the Syrian Revolution on March 6, 2013, where on this day in 2013, the Arab League called on the Syrian National Coalition to form an executive body to occupy Syria’s seat in the League and to participate in the Arab Summit.

The “Tawad” educational schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue to provide free basic education curriculum to their students in both their centers in the cities of Azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

The killing of two officers from the Syrian regime forces, one of them holding the rank of colonel, in Deir ez-Zor.

With the approach of Ramadan, there is an increase in the activity of stalls selling international aid in Damascus.

“Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” continues its operations against regime positions in Latakia.

A woman killed by regime and SDF shelling in northern Aleppo.

An Iraqi militia claims responsibility for targeting Haifa Airport with a march originating from Syria.

Dozens killed and injured as unknown assailants commit a massacre in the Al-Kamaa mosques in Deir ez-Zor.

The Gulf Cooperation Council calls for the resumption of the work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

Regime casualties and reinforcements for the “Quds Brigade” militia in the Syrian Badia.

Unknown assailants kill a young man in front of his wife and children in western Idlib.

“The Revolutionary Youth” kidnaps a minor girl in the countryside of Hasakah, and the SDF disclaims responsibility.

A fire breaks out in a commercial store in the capital Damascus.

“Tahrir al-Sham” issues a general amnesty for prisoners.

Related News:

UN official: The regime has not resolved the “outstanding issues” with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

Britain arrests 5 elite soldiers for war crimes in Syria.

International News:

Washington announces a plan to establish a maritime corridor to deliver aid to Gaza.

The Central Bank of Egypt allows the exchange rate of the pound to be determined according to market mechanisms.

Discussions in Germany about imposing compulsory military service.

Trump and Biden win in the Super Tuesday elections and head towards a new confrontation.

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