Media OfficeNews

Tuesday News, January 9, 2024.

(SFM) News:

  • A podcast titled “Rail (8) What are the sources of funding for the Syrian Future Movement?” was released by the Office of the Presidency of the Syrian Future Movement.
  • The Scientific Office, Independent Researchers Department of the Syrian Future Movement, published a research titled “The Solar and Lunar War.”
  • Continuation of the program to educate our children who have dropped out of school in “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz, northern Syria.

Domestic News:

  • Ongoing demonstrations in Sweida.
  • After announcing its social contract, the Autonomous Administration begins forming an “Election Commission.”
  • A boy’s death and his father’s injury due to a fire in Bab Sreijeh, Damascus.
  • Including two officers, 14 regime forces killed in an attack on a dormitory bus east of Homs.
  • Killing and injuring 4 children from one family in an “unknown explosion” in Deir ez-Zor.
  • Sheikh of the Baqqara tribe discusses with Hefl al-Hefl the reformation of Deir ez-Zor Military Council.
  • Iran stores its weapons in the tunnels of Ghouta and prevents Syrian regime forces from approaching.
  • “The High Hajj Committee” announces the continuation of communications with Saudi Arabia to manage the affairs of Syrians.
  • Three people killed in airstrikes conducted by Jordanian aircraft in Sweida.
  • Liberation and Construction Movement: We reject the U.S. accusations against us and our new leader is appointed by consensus.

Related News:

  • To counter Iran’s threats, U.S. forces conduct exercises to protect their bases in Syria.
  • Following tax exemption, Emirati and German traders begin exporting gold to Syria.
  • Bankruptcy of a company, loss of 3 million dollars, and malfunction in the money transfer market in Idlib, Turkey, and Iraq.

International News:

  • The number of shooting incidents in the United States rose to 657 in 2023.
  • “The Pentagon” denies its intention to withdraw American troops from Iraq.
  • Gabriel Atal appointed to become the youngest Prime Minister in France.
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