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The Honored(7) Sheikh “Ahmed Eid Al-Sayasneh”

The Seeing Sheikh Despite Blindness
“Ahmed Eid Al-Sayasneh”

Sheikh Ahmed Eid Al-Sayasneh was born in Daraa Al-Balad city on April 10, 1945. He suffered from conjunctivitis in the first months of his birth, leading to the loss of his sight.
In 1955, he traveled to Egypt and studied at the Model Center for the Care of the Blind in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Cairo.
In 1973, he obtained a bachelor’s degree from the College of Da’wah and Usul al-Din at the Islamic University in Medina.
In 1975, he was appointed as an Imam in the city of Izraa, and later as a religious teacher in the city of Bosra al-Sham in 1978. He was appointed as the preacher of the Omari Mosque, but was prevented from preaching more than once due to his positions and boldness, the last of which was in 2008. He remained suspended from preaching until March 18, 2011, when he was reinstated at the request of the protesters.

Sheikh Al-Sayasneh is considered one of the national religious figures who continued on the path of revolution, freedom, and dignity, as manifested in his last stance on the Sweida revolution and his opposition, along with other dignitaries, to any religious strife.

We, in the Syrian Future Movement, salute the loyal national religious figures who do not sell their religion and always stand for the truth, untouched by any political bazaar. We also salute Sheikh Al-Sayasneh, one of the prominent symbols of the Syrian revolution. His national stances serve as a model for our vision in the Syrian Future Movement. In recognition, we bestow upon him the Medal of the Syrian Future Movement as a symbol of national excellence.

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