NewsPolitical officepress release / Statement of Political office

Statement of Support for the Position of the American Coalition for Syria (ACS)

The Syrian Future Movement, having previously welcomed the stance of the French judiciary in terms of summoning Bashar al-Assad for trial and conviction, today welcomes and supports the ACS’s call for submitting a request for Bashar al-Assad’s extradition during his attendance at the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit on the 30th of this month in the United Arab Emirates.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on all Syrian forces and entities to support this initiative and to raise it to the French judiciary to take the necessary action.

The Syrian Future Movement urges Russia and Iran to end their reliance on and support for Bashar al-Assad’s regime as a governing factor, considering it a void and burnt card with no future.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for the swift formation of a transitional governing body in Syria in accordance with United Nations resolutions, especially Resolution 2254, as the only viable solution to defuse the conflict.
We look forward to working with partners in the region and with the Syrian opposition forces to fully participate within this framework to achieve a feasible and sustainable political solution.

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