Media OfficeNews

Sunday News, November 19, 2023

(SFM) News:
A congratulation from the Syrian National Dome to the Syrian Future Movement on the occasion of celebrating its 11th year of registration.

The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement continues its program in educating our children who have dropped out of school, in “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Domestic News:
Locals clash with SDF forces during a raid campaign.

Bashar al-Assad issues a decree for re-elections of local councils in Syrian provinces.

Misty weather turns day into night in Al-Hasakah.

About 60 camps in northern Syria damaged due to floods.

The Syrian regime suspends leaves and exits in its army.

Warnings of a severe low-pressure system in Syria.

Related News:
Iran warns against targeting its forces in Syria.

After a pause, Iraqi militias resume smuggling operations to Syria.

International News:
Turkish Airlines cancels 40 flights amid storm warnings in Istanbul.

Evacuation of premature infants from Al-Shifa Hospital and continued military escalation in Gaza.

Turkey raids a PKK cave in Iraq.

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