Media OfficeNews

Monday News, October 30, 2023

(SFM) News:
An opinion piece titled “The Syrian Future Movement and the Syrian Kurdish Issue” has been released by the Presidential Office of the (SFM).

Dr. Zaher Baadarani, the President of the Syrian Future Movement, is on a visit to Erbil that will continue for several days.

Our Scientific Office in the (SFM) continues its program in educating our children who have dropped out of school at “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz, northern Syria.

Domestic News:
The Syrian National Coalition opposition demands the international community to stop the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

Tribes of Daraa and Sweida announce the establishment of a unified council.

The Syrian regime demands the UN Security Council to put an end to the Israeli bombing against areas under its control.

The Governor of Daraa survives an assassination attempt on the Damascus road.

SDF disrupts a meeting between the Syrian regime and Arab tribes in Hasakah.

International News:
Netanyahu considers the recording of female prisoners as harsh psychological propaganda from Hamas.

Israel bombs Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to rocket fire.

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