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Gravedigger and Syrian figures visit the residence of the president of (SFM) in Berlin

The president of the Syrian Future Movement, Dr. Zaher Baadarani, hosted several Syrian national figures at his residence in the German capital, Berlin, over the past three days. Discussions touched on various topics and issues regarding Syria’s future, the current general situation, international dealings with the Syrian file, and ways to enhance political efforts and solidarity to support the Syrian cause and amplify the voice of Syrians to decision-makers in the United Nations and countries interested in Syrian affairs, especially the United States.

On Saturday, October 21, Dr. Zaher Baadarani received at his Berlin residence Brigadier Pilot Montaser Jawish, Ms. Misson Birqdar, Dr. Ziad Wa’iz, Brigadier Khaldoun Qatabi, Colonel Mohammad Qasim Harakat Hars, Legal expert Professor Anwar Al-Buni, Dr. Mohammad Saddiq, board member of the Regional Network for Social Responsibility in France and head of the Justice and Sustainable Development Organization, Dr. Zuhair Al-Khatib, leader of the Wa’ad party, and Dr. Marwan Khoury, the elected president of the Syrian Democratic Gathering.

The president of the Syrian Future Movement also received today, Sunday, October 21, the mysterious figure known as “Gravedigger Z30”, who witnessed many massacres committed by the forces and elements of the Assad regime against the Syrian people since the beginning of the Syrian revolution in the third month of 2011.

All of the meetings helds were attended individually by the well-known political and media activist “Ayman Abdel Nour” Also present was Engineer Oways Baadarani from the (SFM) office in France.”
Everyone agreed to continue communication and take all legitimate means to advocate for the Syrian cause in international forums and to call for a political symposium in the German capital, Berlin, within 3 months from today’s date.

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